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Streets & Trips, also known as AutoRoute in Europe, is a route navigation and optimization software that was available by Microsoft until 2014. Public downloads used to be available from Digital River, but the servers have now shut down.

Important Note February 2015

Microsoft has taken down all previous and current download servers (,, and! At this point it is unlikely that the free downloads will ever return.

Streets & Trips Test Drive

Microsoft still provides a Streets and Trips 2013 14-day trial version. However, Streets & Trips has been discontinued in 2014, and since been replaced by the free Bing Maps, which requires a Windows version of Windows 8 or newer.

In case you already paid for Streets & Trips, and need a download, you could ask Microsoft for a replacement CD.

Purchase a Streets & Trips Activation Key

Streets & Trips

Should you want to use Streets & Trips permanently, Amazon, eBay and other shops still have some leftover stock. Since it can also run on older devices, it might still make sense to purchase a copy.

Former direct download links, only for reference

The following table is only provided as reference. The actual downloads were pulled by Micrososft, and are no longer publicly available.

Product Language Download Link
Streets & Trips 2011 North America English (USA) X17-47494.exe