[de.kindledeals] E-Book Angebote - Deutschland

Bookdeals@HeiDoc.net (de) autosender at heidoc.net
Fr Mai 1 00:50:04 UTC 2020

* E-Book Angebote (Deutschland) *

Die folgenden Angebote sind in den letzten 6 Stunden neu dazugekommen.
Sprachen in dieser Ausgabe: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Katalanisch.

=== Deutsch ===

== Action & Abenteuer ==

Das Paulus-Labyrinth von Windmeijer, Jeroen (2019-12-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07Q58T9JR
Der Dieb und der Söldner: Die Gaukler Chroniken 1/3 von Feuerbach, Sam (2019-12-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB081Y3Q4PZ
Kill Zone: Thriller (Kyle Swanson 1) von Coughlin, Jack; Davis, Donald A. (2019-10-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07ZQPKWPJ

== Astronomie ==

Kosmos Himmelsjahr 2020: Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf (-) von Keller, Hans-Ulrich (2019-09-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07XKV5SQW

== Biografien ==

Die Herrin der Lettern: Historischer Roman von Langner, Sophia (2019-11-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07QF1YNCN

== Coming-of-Age-Romane ==

Knochendiebin (Die zwölf Kasten von Sabor 1): Packend-düsterer Fantasy-Roman für Jugendliche und alle, die »Die rote Königin« lieben von Owen, Margaret (2019-10-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07QMNMHPK

== Diäten ==

365 Low-Carb-Rezepte von Neisser, Eva (2018-04-16)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07C7G88C9
SHRED - Die Erfolgsdiät ohne Hungern: 6 Wochen, 2 Kleidergrößen, 1 Sensation von Smith, Ian K. (2013-12-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00FGFN9ES

== Familienromane ==

Der Himmel über Positano von Baumann, Margot S. (2017-09-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB071SLF3BQ
Wie eine Welle im Sand von Werner, Julia C. (2019-04-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07KHQPH85

== Fantasy ==

7 - Das erste Buch des Spiels (Die Bücher des Spiels 2) von Snow, Rose (2019-12-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB082YQKD7H
7 - Das zweite Buch des Spiels (Die Bücher des Spiels 3) von Snow, Rose (2020-01-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB083KNJB1R
Flammenklinge (Lichtsplitter-Saga 2/3) von Valentin, Mira; Kellen, Erik (2019-11-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB08232DTWD
Schattenherz (Fesseln der Dunkelheit 1) von Winter, Anna (2013-12-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00H5CE01G

== Fatburner ==

Fit ohne Geräte: Die 90-Tage-Challenge für Frauen von Lauren, Mark; Galinski, Julian (2014-12-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00PLT3WFA
Fit ohne Geräte: Die 90-Tage-Challenge für Männer von Lauren, Mark; Galinski, Julian (2014-12-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00PLT3VXI

== Gegenwartsliteratur ==

Die heimliche Heilerin und der Medicus von Carsta, Ellin (2016-07-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01E78DITA
Frau Einstein: Roman von Benedict, Marie (2018-02-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB076WL5D7Z

== Historische Romane ==

Die Ärztin: Stürme des Lebens (Ricarda Thomasius 2) von Sommerfeld, Helene (2018-11-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0784B412L
Die verlorene Schwester: Roman von Winterberg, Linda (2018-11-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07CJQQLGD

== Horror ==

Die Haut meines Mörders: Thriller (Howard Caspar Reihe 9) von Holland, Andrew (2019-11-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0825653B5
Tote Tränen : Thriller von Noah Fitz (Johannes-Hornoff-Thriller 8) von Fitz, Noah (2019-05-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07S4D4T1T

== Humoristisch ==

Frisch verliebt (The Bakery Sisters 1) von Mallery, Susan (2019-10-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07Z6M27FW
Ich heirate Frau Antje ihre Familie: Meine neue holländische Verwandtschaft von Bergner, Ben (2012-01-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0088O52MG

== Kleinstadt & Landleben ==

Verratenes Land: Thriller von Iles, Greg (2019-08-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07PMSH726

== Kommissare & Wachtmeister ==

Wenn die Zeit gekommen ist (Ein Jan-Tommen-Thriller 6) von Hartung, Alexander (2019-11-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07V8DP5J2

== Komponisten & Musiker ==

Listen to my heart: Meine Liebe zum Leben von Zweigbergk, Helena von; Fredriksson, Marie (2016-11-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01GG3EJS8

== Krimis & Thriller ==

Der Augensammler: Psychothriller von Fitzek, Sebastian (2010-06-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB004WPHWQY

== Kunst & Literatur ==

Im Herzen barfuß: Das Leben, die Liebe meine Familie und ich von Schweiger, Dana (2019-11-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07WS1ZWDY

== Landhaus-Krimis ==

Ein Fall für Fuchs & Haas: Blut in der Ostsee - Krimi von Pala, Ivo (2019-10-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07YSX6NN4

== Liebesromane ==

Einmal hin und für immer (Puffin Island) von Morgan, Sarah (2016-05-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0198FIZS6
Graues Meer und blaue Sonnen von Jaeger, Nathan (2013-03-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00BXUA1RI
My Next Mistake: Liebesroman (Milliardäre zum Verlieben 4) von Brooks, Sarah J. (2019-12-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0838PWR1Q

== Literatur ==

Broke and Rich von Scott, C. R. (2019-02-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07P1LP3VZ

== Literatur & Fiktion ==

Der größte Spaß, den wir je hatten: Roman von Lombardo, Claire (2019-09-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07R78TVCY
Die kleine Bäckerei in Brooklyn (Romantic Escapes 2) von Caplin, Julie (2019-05-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07KPYFG98
Eine tollkühne Miss (Devil's Den Club 2) von Caldwell, Christi (2020-02-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0814N715N
Für immer in deinem Herzen: Roman von Shipman, Viola (2016-05-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB017JJ8UO2
Kleine Feuer überall: Der New-York-Times-Bestseller #1 von Ng, Celeste (2018-04-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB077JKXFDC
Warrior Cats - Die Macht der drei. Der geheime Blick: III, Band 1 von Hunter, Erin (2012-09-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB009D49W7Q
Warrior Cats. Stunde der Finsternis: I, Band 6 (Warrior Cats I) von Hunter, Erin (2011-09-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB008BS4A72

== Märchen, Sagen & Legenden ==

Das Mal der Götter 1: Berufen: Götter-Fantasy voller Romantik von Peluso , Francesca (2020-01-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB082BCD15Q

== Partnerschaft & Beziehungen ==

Liebe kennt die Regeln nicht von Reichenberg, Marleen (2019-10-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07YKYPD8M

== Philosophie ==

Die Kunst des guten Lebens: 52 überraschende Wege zum Glück von Dobelli, Rolf (2017-10-13)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB075CNF7FL

== Polizei ==

Der Mann auf der Hallig (Die Inselkommissarin 4) von Johannsen, Anna (2019-06-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07M859VN9

== Private Ermittler ==

Der dunkle Hauch des Todes: Thriller (Steinbach und Wagner 11) von Hill, Roxann (2019-12-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0822WTNRS

== Romantische Thriller ==

Die Black-Reihe 2: Black Souls: Düsterer Liebesroman für Fantasy-Fans von Wood, Jenna (2019-08-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07TSJSVDQ

== Science-Fiction ==

Das Geheimnis der Taiga-Pyramiden von Jungwirth, Xenia; Jungwirth, Florian (2019-12-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07ZDLJXP2

== Sport ==

Cold Side Of Love von Keen, Liv; Lichters, Kathrin (2019-04-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07QF4V9ZR
Secret Kiss. Die Tochter vom Coach (Secret-Reihe): Sports Romance von Heeger, Mimi (2019-06-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07RJS2TJF

== Thriller & Suspense ==

Der Nostradamus-Coup: Thriller (John Finch 3) von Schilddorfer, Gerd (2016-10-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01F5AQAC6
K.I.: Wer das Schicksal programmiert von Meier, Christian J. (2019-09-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07X1Z3J7P

== Thriller & Spannung ==

Die letzte verlorene Stadt: Schwarze Stadt (Die Abenteuer von Ulises Vidal 2) von Gamboa, Fernando (2019-12-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB08269N8K4

== Weibliche Autoren ==

Restsüße von Meimberg, Claudia (2018-09-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07H7DYBS9

== Zeitgenössische Frauenliteratur ==

BROKEN Blackness: Kein Liebesroman (No. 3) von Drake, Yuna (2019-11-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07ZJNBJX8
College Princess von Fox, Miranda J. (2018-10-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07JF4Q9VX

=== Englisch ===

== Abenteuer ==

The Magic Faraway Tree: Book 2 (English Edition) von Blyton, Enid (2015-07-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00PW634UK

== Action & Abenteuer ==

Hired to Kill (Nathan McBride Book 7) (English Edition) von Peterson, Andrew (2018-07-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB077GRJQG3

== Alternativweltgeschichte ==

Dark Matter: A Mind-Blowing Twisted Thriller (English Edition) von Crouch, Blake (2016-08-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB019IO6BU6

== Detektivinnen ==

Killing Eve: Codename Villanelle: The basis for the BAFTA-winning Killing Eve TV series (Killing Eve series) (English Edition) von Jennings, Luke (2017-06-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB06XYQT7Z8
THE OXFORD MYSTERY an absolutely gripping whodunit full of twists (English Edition) von MARTIN, FAITH (2019-04-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07Q3Z2LTV

== Essen & Trinken ==

Dishoom: The first ever cookbook from the much-loved Indian restaurant (English Edition) von Thakrar, Shamil; Thakrar, Kavi; Nasir, Naved (2019-09-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07QHZTCCG

== Familienromane ==

Echoes of the Runes: A sweeping, epic tale of forbidden love (English Edition) von Courtenay, Christina (2020-03-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07T65CZPX
The Bromance Book Club: The utterly charming new rom-com that readers are raving about! (English Edition) von Kay Adams, Lyssa (2019-11-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07XHQFLDW
The Horse Dancer: Discover the heart-warming Jojo Moyes you haven't read yet (English Edition) von Moyes, Jojo (2010-04-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB003LPV11I
The Love Letter (English Edition) von Riley, Lucinda (2018-07-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07B7RHHWM
The Wake Up (English Edition) von Hyde, Catherine Ryan (2017-12-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0711B67D3
Trail of Broken Wings (English Edition) von Badani, Sejal (2015-05-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00N58XLLE
Two by Two: A beautiful story that will capture your heart (English Edition) von Sparks, Nicholas (2016-10-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01FE6V5IK

== Fantasy ==

Hateful Things: The Children of D'Hara, episode 2 (English Edition) von Goodkind, Terry (2019-07-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07NZVQTRF
Witch's Oath: The Children of D'Hara, episode 4 (English Edition) von Goodkind, Terry (2020-01-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07NZY7M14

== Geister ==

Pine: The spine-chilling, atmospheric debut of 2020 (English Edition) von Toon, Francine (2020-01-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07WDDGJ3J

== Geschichte ==

Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (English Edition) von Winchester, Simon (2018-05-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB076FTNNXN

== Historische ==

Murder Offstage: A Cozy Historical Murder Mystery (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) von Hathaway, L.B. (2014-06-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00LDWEXDO
The Saracen's Mark: The CWA nominated Elizabethan crime series (The Jackdaw Mysteries) (English Edition) von Perry, S. W. (2020-04-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07ZG7C2YY
The Zig Zag Girl: The Brighton Mysteries 1 (Stephens & Mephisto Mystery) (English Edition) von Griffiths, Elly (2014-11-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00L7SLUJY

== Historische Romane ==

The Mercies: The Sunday Times Bestseller (English Edition) von Millwood Hargrave, Kiran (2020-02-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07WHDK1WW
Where the Lost Wander: A Novel (English Edition) von Harmon, Amy (2020-04-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07VQR8SG7

== Historische Thriller ==

Triple (English Edition) von Follett, Ken (2008-09-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB003GK22D4

== Humoristisch ==

No, We Can't Be Friends: A totally perfect romantic comedy (English Edition) von Ranald, Sophie (2020-01-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07Z415G92
Snobs: A novel by the creator of DOWNTON ABBEY and BELGRAVIA (English Edition) von Fellowes, Julian (2009-12-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0054ZBYVK

== Internationales Verbrechen ==

A Silent Death: The brand-new thriller from Number 1 bestseller Peter May (English Edition) von May, Peter (2020-01-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07S1P13FN
Kingdom of the Blind: A Chief Inspector Gamache Mystery, Book 14 (English Edition) von Penny, Louise (2018-11-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07DCXRRRS

== Klassiker ==

Four Sisters (English Edition) von Wood, Val (2019-11-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07PR18HWQ
Mrs Palfrey At The Claremont: A Virago Modern Classic (Virago Modern Classics Book 262) (English Edition) von Taylor, Elizabeth (2011-07-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0052RMNG0

== Kleinstadt & Landleben ==

Country Lovers: A feel-good winter read from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition) von Walker, Fiona (2019-11-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB078XJ64L8
Long Range (Joe Pickett Book 20) (English Edition) von Box, C.J. (2020-03-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07TKD4J6P
No Country for Old Men (English Edition) von McCarthy, Cormac (2010-12-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB004FV4T8E

== Köche & Kochshows im Fernsehen ==

Curry Easy Vegetarian (English Edition) von Jaffrey, Madhur (2014-09-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00NERNFCQ

== Kommissare & Wachtmeister ==

Robert B. Parker's Angel Eyes (The Spenser Series) (English Edition) von Atkins, Ace (2019-12-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB081DFLYVT

== Kriminalromane ==

HE WILL FIND YOU an absolutely gripping crime thriller with a massive twist (Detective Maddie Ives Book 3) (English Edition) von GALLAGHER, CHARLIE (2019-07-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07V488N2C
The Kept Woman: (Will Trent Series Book 8) (The Will Trent Series) (English Edition) von Slaughter, Karin (2016-07-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB019CGXWU2

== Krimis ==

A Prisoner of Birth (English Edition) von Archer, Jeffrey (2008-09-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB003DWC6IQ

== Kulturerbe ==

The Occupation: Loyalties are pushed to the limits in this powerful wartime saga (English Edition) von Swift, Deborah (2019-12-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB081NW6XCJ

== Liebesromane ==

His Royal Highness (English Edition) von Grey, R.S. (2019-11-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0818ZFDYW

== Literatur ==

Milkman (English Edition) von Burns, Anna (2018-05-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07B8WPQB8
Sometimes I Lie: A psychological thriller with a killer twist you'll never forget (English Edition) von Feeney, Alice (2017-03-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01LXD38NC

== Märchen, Sagen & Legenden ==

Uprooted (English Edition) von Novik, Naomi (2015-05-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00SN93700

== Mashup ==

A Village Affair: a laugh out loud, heartwarming novel perfect for summer reading (English Edition) von Houston, Julie (2018-11-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07FH78LK1

== Medizin ==

Whiteout (English Edition) von Follett, Ken (2008-09-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB003GK2130

== Militär ==

Legionary: Dark Eagle (Legionary 8) (English Edition) von Doherty, Gordon (2020-02-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB084BNCHRZ
The Nightingale: Bravery, Courage, Fear and Love in a Time of War (English Edition) von Hannah, Kristin (2015-01-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00NLFVVOU
Wives of War (English Edition) von Lane, Soraya M. (2017-07-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01LQ646C4

== Militärgeschichte ==

Atlantic Nightmare: The longest military campaign in World War II (English Edition) von Freeman, Richard (2019-01-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07NBNNWNR

== New Adult ==

Angry God (All Saints High Book 3) (English Edition) von Shen, L.J. (2020-02-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB084V22LYF

== Philosophie ==

The Courage To Be Disliked: How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness (English Edition) von Kishimi, Ichiro; Koga, Fumitake (2018-01-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB074TWG8V7

== Politik ==

Victim 2117: Department Q 8 (English Edition) von Adler-Olsen, Jussi (2020-03-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07WHMM2S6

== Politik & Geschichte ==

We have been harmonised: Life in China's surveillance state (English Edition) von Strittmatter, Kai (2019-05-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07RFS5KBJ

== Politisch ==

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (English Edition) von Aslan, Reza (2013-08-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00E7SID9G

== Polizei ==

Murder in Malmö: The second Inspector Anita Sundström mystery (Inspector Anita Sundström Mysteries Book 2) (English Edition) von MacLeod, Torquil (2013-12-18)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00BFEOEP2
The Hanging Valley (Inspector Banks Series Book 4) (English Edition) von Robinson, Peter (2009-08-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB003DWC6LS
Watch Me Bleed: A Scottish Crime Thriller (A DI Frank Miller Crime Thriller Book 4) (English Edition) von Carson, John (2016-10-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01M6YH83B

== Schwarzer Humor ==

My Year of Rest and Relaxation (English Edition) von Moshfegh, Ottessa (2018-07-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB075G3WPXD

== Science-Fiction ==

Ancillary Justice: THE HUGO, NEBULA AND ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD WINNER (Imperial Radch Book 1) (English Edition) von Leckie, Ann (2013-10-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00BU1DG1S
Salvation (The Salvation Sequence) (English Edition) von Hamilton, Peter F. (2018-09-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07BDFWLXT
To Be Taught, If Fortunate: A Novella (English Edition) von Chambers, Becky (2019-08-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07N2Z7B6Z

== Sozialwissenschaft ==

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics (English Edition) von Marshall, Tim (2015-07-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00Y16BEM2

== Thriller & Spannung ==

Contract to Kill (Nathan McBride Book 5) (English Edition) von Peterson, Andrew (2015-08-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00TEFTAA8
Right to Kill (Nathan McBride Book 6) (English Edition) von Peterson, Andrew (2016-11-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01F8PWUWW

== Übernatürliches ==

Crooked River (Agent Pendergast Book 19) (English Edition) von Preston, Douglas; Child, Lincoln (2020-02-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07TCB6J3S

== Unterhaltungsliteratur ==

Apartment 6: a gripping psychological thriller full of twists (English Edition) von James, Stuart (2020-01-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0844RQC8D
Haven't They Grown (English Edition) von Hannah, Sophie (2020-01-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07HFBMFRC
Right Behind You: The NEW spine-chiller from the queen of psychological thrillers (Tom Douglas Thrillers Book 9) (English Edition) von Abbott, Rachel (2020-01-16)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB082SWCGG5
Single: A totally gripping psychological thriller full of twists (English Edition) von Slater, K.L. (2019-11-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07WZMN4LJ
The Second Wife: An absolutely gripping psychological thriller that will have you hooked (English Edition) von Browne, Sheryl (2019-01-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07KD6YS3R

== Zeitgenössische Frauenliteratur ==

A Patchwork Family: The brand new uplifting and heart-warming novel from the Sunday Times bestseller (English Edition) von Bramley, Cathy (2020-03-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07RCHFV89
I Know You're There: A gripping tale with a deadly twist from the author of Her Greatest Mistake (English Edition) von Simpson, Sarah (2019-06-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07KJ976XL
Into the Dark (The Cincinnati Series Book 5): the absolutely gripping Sunday Times Top Ten besteller (Cincinnati 5) (English Edition) von Rose, Karen (2019-11-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07QNLTZ7G

=== Italienisch ===

== Action & Abenteuer ==

I GIORNI DELLA PESTE (Le avventure di Capitan Riley) (Italian Edition) von Gamboa, Fernando (2020-03-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB085H68HFZ
Il destino del faraone: Avventure di Dirk Pitt (Italian Edition) von Cussler, Clive; Cussler, Dirk (2020-01-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB081VQWT17
Il leone di Roma (Roma Caput Mundi Vol. 1) (Italian Edition) von Castellano, Adele Vieri (2017-09-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB06ZXQZQL8
La vendetta del serpente (Roma Caput Mundi Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) von Vieri Castellano, Adele (2019-07-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07LBHXQWT

== Anthropologie ==

Miti greci e di Roma antica (Italian Edition) von Angela Cerinotti (2018-05-18)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07D2H33KR

== Babys ==

DIRE FARE SVEZZARE - AUTOSVEZZAMENTO dalla A alla Z (Italian Edition) von Durante, Alessandra (2019-02-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07NF1KWQ6

== Bibel &  Bibelkunde ==

La Sacra Bibbia CEI 2008 (Italian Edition) von CEI Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (2015-08-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB013TGB96U

== Biografien & Erinnerungen ==

Perché parlavo da solo (Italian Edition) von Bonolis, Paolo (2019-10-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07XC3PPNP

== Comics & Mangas ==

Non è Te che Aspettavo (Italian Edition) von Toulmé, Fabien (2018-01-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB079M6WDN5

== Diäten ==

La dieta della longevità: Dallo scienziato che ha rivoluzionato la ricerca su staminali e invecchiamento, la Dieta mima-digiuno per vivere sani fino a 110 anni (Italian Edition) von Longo, Valter D. (2016-09-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01FXVJDIU

== Diäten & spezielle Ernährungspläne ==

Mangiare bene per sconfiggere il male (SH Health Service - Ripensare la salute) (Italian Edition) von Rosa, Di Fazio Maria (2016-09-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01LWLRLXX

== Englisch ==

Inglese in 30 Giorni: La Raccolta Completa. Il nuovo corso per imparare l’inglese da zero, con esercizi teorici e pratici anche se non parli una sola parola ... (Lingua Inglese Vol. 3) (Italian Edition) von Dawson, George (2019-11-05)
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== Familienromane ==

Il morso del ramarro (Italian Edition) von Valeria, Corciolani (2014-03-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB00J9O5SUU

== Fantasy ==

Il guardiano degli innocenti: The Witcher 1 (Italian Edition) von Sapkowski, Andrzej (2012-01-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB006ZFJKJ6

== Fitness ==

Ayurveda per principianti: Principi e pratiche ayurvedici essenziali per l'equilibrio e la guarigione in modo naturale  con 20 golose ricette (Italian Edition) von Giordano, Federico (2020-02-01)
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Imparare la meditazione: Come ritrovare in modo semplice equilibrio, serenità ed energia per la vita di tutti i giorni (Italian Edition) von Del Greco, Ananta (2017-09-03)
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== Geschichte ==

Becoming: La mia storia (Italian Edition) von Obama, Michelle (2018-11-13)
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== Historische Romane ==

I leoni di Sicilia (Italian Edition) von Auci, Stefania (2019-05-06)
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La Città dei Morti: la pittrice di tombe perdute (Il romanzo di Tutankhamon Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) von Giustiniani, Isabel (2019-09-27)
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Una domenica, mamma... (Saga della Serenella Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) von Navicelli, Vanessa (2020-02-18)
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== Internationales Verbrechen ==

Zic: Il misterioso caso del graffitaro scomparso. (Italian Edition) von Filiberto, Franco (2019-12-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB082H27TGH

== Klassiker ==

Grandi romanzi (eNewton Classici) (Italian Edition) von Dostoevskij, Fëdor Michajlovic (2011-12-14)
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== Kommissare & Wachtmeister ==

Arte Perversa: Un thriller denso di misteri ed emozioni, un romanzo giallo avvincente, un poliziesco serrato. (Italian Edition) von Casamento, Enzo (2019-03-20)
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LA MORTE HA L'ORO IN BOCCA: (Commissario Walker Vol.1) Romanzo Thriller (Italian Edition) von Rocca, Nicola (2017-11-11)
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== Krieg & Militär ==

SENZA NOME E SENZA GLORIA (Thriller): Un romanzo coinvolgente, un'avventura ricca di passioni, intrighi ed emozioni (Italian Edition) von Cozzi, Luca (2019-11-16)
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== Kriminalromane ==

Giallo Universitario (Italian Edition) von Thomson, Adam (2018-06-22)
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La Bambina Perduta: Robyn Carter Vol.1 (Italian Edition) von Carol Wyer (2019-12-06)
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== Krimis ==

Arabesque: La serie dell'Allieva (Italian Edition) von Gazzola, Alessia (2017-11-13)
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Bianco letale (Italian Edition) von Rowling, J.K.; Galbraith, Robert (2019-02-04)
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Fiori sopra l'inferno (Italian Edition) von Tuti, Ilaria (2018-01-04)
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== Landhaus-Krimis ==

Gelida (Bone Secrets Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) von Elliot, Kendra (2016-10-25)
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== Lebensführung ==

Metodo di Studio: I segreti degli studenti di successo, come studiare meglio e in minor tempo (Italian Edition) von Alpini, Luca (2019-12-09)
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== Liebesromane ==

Trent’anni… e li dimostro (Italian Edition) von Giusti, Amabile (2018-02-14)
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== Literatur & Fiktion ==

Chiamami col tuo nome (Italian Edition) von Aciman, André (2017-01-19)
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Cosa nasconde la radura (Tracy Crosswhite Vol. 3) (Italian Edition) von Dugoni, Robert (2017-10-10)
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Eleanor Oliphant sta benissimo (Italian Edition) von Honeyman, Gail (2018-05-17)
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Finché il caffè è caldo (Italian Edition) von Kawaguchi, Toshikazu (2020-03-12)
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Il quaderno dell'amore perduto (Italian Edition) von Perrin, Valérie (2016-10-13)
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La casa delle voci (Italian Edition) von Carrisi, Donato (2019-12-02)
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La mia sfida più grande (Anchor Island Vol. 2) (Italian Edition) von Osburn, Terri (2017-04-25)
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Scritto sulla neve (Italian Edition) von Anastan, Jenny (2018-12-04)
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Un caso speciale per la ghostwriter (Italian Edition) von Basso, Alice (2019-05-02)
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Una donna normale (Italian Edition) von Costantini, Roberto (2020-01-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB082FJDXXS

== Mathematik ==

IMPARA COME EINSTEIN: Segreti e tecniche per imparare qualsiasi cosa, sviluppare la creatività e scoprire il Genio che è in te (Strategie dei Geni Vol. 1) (Italian Edition) von Morelli, Roberto (2020-02-28)
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== Persönlichkeit ==

Atlante delle emozioni umane: 156 emozioni che hai provato, che non sai di aver provato, che non proverai mai (Italian Edition) von Watt Smith, Tiffany (2017-04-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB06Y23MPV7

== Ratgeber ==

Il linguaggio del corpo: Interpretare con facilità il linguaggio del corpo e capire immediatamente le persone (Italian Edition) von Pirandola, Antonio (2017-06-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB072SBWVWH

== Schule & Lernen ==

Il Galateo Moderno: Il Manuale più Completo per Imparare ad Applicare le Regole del Bon Ton in Ogni Situazione (Italian Edition) von Silvestri, Beatrice (2020-01-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0847SY2GZ

== Science Fiction ==

Il racconto dell'Ancella (Italian Edition) von Atwood, Margaret (2018-03-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07B4KW68K

== Serienkiller ==

I serial killer (eNewton Saggistica) (Italian Edition) von Mastronardi, Vincenzo Maria; Ruben De Luca (2013-10-31)
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== Soziologie ==

Non fate i bravi: La testimonianza che ci ha lasciato (Italian Edition) von Toffa, Nadia (2019-11-07)
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Possiamo salvare il mondo, prima di cena: Perché il clima siamo noi (Italian Edition) von Foer, Jonathan Safran (2019-08-26)
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== Suspense ==

Il segreto dell'inquisitore: Un'avventura della Sigma Force (Italian Edition) von Rollins, James (2019-05-23)
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Presenza oscura (Italian Edition) von Dorn, Wulf (2019-08-29)
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== Umweltwissenschaft ==

Verde brillante (Saggi Giunti) (Italian Edition) von Mancuso, Stefano; Alessandra Viola (2013-10-23)
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== Verschiedenes ==

La fisica del diavolo: Maxwell, Schrödinger, Einstein e i paradossi del mondo (Italian Edition) von Al-Khalili, Jim (2012-09-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB0093IUQ3Q

=== Spanisch ===

== Action & Abenteuer ==

El valle sin nombre: Un fascinante viaje a la Edad Media en el País Vasco. (Spanish Edition) von Martín, Ibon (2016-10-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01M680WUW

== Backen ==

El pan: Manual de técnicas y recetas de panadería (Spanish Edition) von Hamelman, Jeffrey (2017-04-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB071XSQGF5

== Bilanzierung & Buchhaltung ==

El Tao de Warren Buffett: La sabiduría de un genio (Spanish Edition) von Clark, David; Buffett, Mary (2017-07-25)
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== E-Commerce ==

Invertir en bolsa con sentido común (Spanish Edition) von Madrigal Hornos, José Antonio (2018-02-27)
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== Englisch ==

Los verbos en inglés: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las formas verbales inglesas (Spanish Edition) von Sila Inglés (2015-04-18)
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== Europäische Literatur ==

Hemisferios (Spanish Edition) von Rueda, Pablo Pérez  (2019-11-14)
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== Freundschaft ==

¡Un año fuera de casa! (Serie New York Academy 1) (Spanish Edition) von Punset, Ana (2018-05-10)
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== Gedächtnistraining ==

Aprende como Einstein: Memoriza más, enfócate mejor y lee efectivamente para aprender cualquier cosa: Las mejores técnicas de aprendizaje acelerado y lectura ... para pensar como un genio (Spanish Edition) von Allen, Steve (2017-08-26)
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== Gesundheit & Medizin ==

Pon en forma tu yo interior (Spanish Edition) von Montero, Patricia (2018-06-05)
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== Gitarre ==

Guitarra: Los primeros 100 acordes para guitarra: Cómo aprender y tocar acordes de guitarra para principiantes (Spanish Edition) von Alexander, Joseph (2018-04-05)
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== Großbritannien ==

La luz tras la ventana (Spanish Edition) von Riley, Lucinda (2017-11-09)
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== Historische ==

Cocinar un oso (Spanish Edition) von Niemi, Mikael (2019-06-04)
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== Historische Romane ==

La mano de Fátima (Spanish Edition) von Falcones, Ildefonso (2010-07-15)
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== Horror ==

Mr. Mercedes (Trilogía Bill Hodges 1) (Spanish Edition) von King, Stephen (2014-11-06)
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== Krimis ==

El invierno más largo (Best seller / Thriller) (Spanish Edition) von Ekbäck, Cecilia (2016-01-14)
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Metrópolis (Bernie Gunther nº 14) (Spanish Edition) von Kerr,  Philip (2019-09-05)
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== Kunst & Literatur ==

Magallanes: El hombre y su gesta (Ensayo) (Spanish Edition) von Zweig, Stefan (2019-09-02)
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== Lebensführung ==

Cómo construir la autodisciplina: Resiste tentaciones y alcanza tus metas a largo plazo (Spanish Edition) von Meadows, Martin (2016-09-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01M13OJ90

== Lernhilfen ==

MIENTRAS OPOSITAS: (Las cosas que te pasan) (Spanish Edition) von del Pozo, Francisco (2018-10-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07J21KVKW

== Liebesgeschichten ==

Irrepetible (Colección #BlackBirds) (Spanish Edition) von Galan, Roy (2016-11-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB01LYNXJGG

== Liebesromane ==

Contactos obsesivos (Las Crónicas de Krinar nº 2) (Spanish Edition) von Zaires, Anna; Zales, Dima (2018-11-29)
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Storm. La tormenta perfecta (Spanish Edition) von Mir, Sandra (2019-09-12)
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== Literatur ==

La Segunda República española. Una crónica, 1931-1936 (Spanish Edition) von Pla, Josep (2017-03-31)
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Manhattan Beach (Spanish Edition) von Egan, Jennifer (2019-02-07)
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== Literatur & Fiktion ==

1.280 almas (NOVELA POLICÍACA BIB) (Spanish Edition) von Thompson,  Jim (2013-10-30)
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Formas de estar lejos (Rústica Narrativa) (Spanish Edition) von Portela , Edurne (2019-03-06)
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Somos uno (Crossfire V) (Spanish Edition) von Day, Sylvia (2016-04-13)
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You 2. Need you (Spanish Edition) von Maskame, Estelle (2016-03-15)
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== Neuropsychologie ==

Memoriza como Sherlock Holmes – Aprende la técnica del palacio de la memoria: Técnica probada para memorizar cualquier cosa. No podrás olvidar, aunque quieras (Spanish Edition) von Allen, Steve (2017-09-15)
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== Organisationspsychologie ==

Cuenta contigo: No busques fuera, las soluciones están en ti (Spanish Edition) von Ramírez, Patricia (2016-09-22)
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== Ratgeber ==

Domina tu mente - Cómo usar el pensamiento crítico, el escepticismo y la lógica para pensar con claridad y evitar ser manipulado: Técnicas probadas para ... de decisiones inteligentes (Spanish Edition) von Allen, Steve (2017-07-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07468RJT9
El libro de la alegría: Alcanza la felicidad duradera en un mundo en cambio constante (Spanish Edition) von Lama, Dalai; Tutu, Desmond; Abrams, Douglas (2016-11-03)
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Técnicas prohibidas de Persuasión, manipulación e influencia usando patrones de lenguaje y técnicas de PNL (2a Edición): Cómo persuadir, influenciar y ... patrones de lenguaje y PNL (Spanish Edition) von Allen, Steve (2018-05-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07D8NNGG2

== Schule & Lernen ==

La escuela que quiero: En busca del sentido común: pedagogía de altura contada desde el suelo (Spanish Edition) von Romera, Mar (2019-01-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07L22C7WR

== Spanien ==

¡Que viva la cocina!: Recetas caseras y fáciles para todos los bolsillos (Spanish Edition) von Barredo, Gorka (2019-05-23)
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== Strafrecht ==

Solo tú me tendrás: Celos, mentiras y muerte en el crimen de la Guardia Urbana (Spanish Edition) von Muñoz, Toni (2019-03-05)
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== Studium & Uni ==

Conoce la Bolsa y deja de tenerle miedo (Todo el mundo puede aprender a invertir en Bolsa) (Spanish Edition) von Jiménez, Gregorio Hernández (2014-01-08)
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Educación Financiera avanzada partiendo de cero (Aprenda a gestionar su dinero para transformar su vida) (Spanish Edition) von Jiménez, Gregorio Hernández (2013-05-06)
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Los 3 Árboles del Dinero: Secretos de Riqueza Verdadera (Spanish Edition) von Samsó, Raimon (2020-01-20)
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== Suspense ==

Año uno (Crónicas de la Elegida 1) (Spanish Edition) von Roberts, Nora (2019-09-12)
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PÓKER DE ASESINATOS: Finalista del Premio Literario Amazon 2018 Una novela policíaca con un final inesperado. (Spanish Edition) von Aguirre Zubillaga, Ager (2018-06-30)
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Los pecados del padre: (Novela policíaca española) (Spanish Edition) von Fernández, M.J. (2018-01-28)
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== Unterhaltungsliteratur ==

El último encuentro (Spanish Edition) von Márai, Sándor (2011-12-06)
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== Verkauf ==

Todo lo que he aprendido con la psicología económica: El encuentro entre la economía y la psicología, y sus implicaciones para los individuos (Spanish Edition) von Thaler, Richard H. (2016-09-08)
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=== Französisch ===

== Belletristik ==

Le Voleur de foudre : Percy Jackson - tome 1 (Wiz) (French Edition) von Pracontal, Mona de; Riordan, Rick (2013-07-01)
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== Familienromane ==

Vise la lune et au-delà !: Et si vous aviez le pouvoir de réaliser vos rêves ? (Romans Eyrolles) (French Edition) von Trécourt, Marilyse (2018-07-05)
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== Fantasy ==

Berserk (Faith Ezreal t. 2) (French Edition) von Phaeton, Jupiter (2019-12-04)
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Héros de l'Olympe - tome 1 : Le héros perdu (Wiz) (French Edition) von de Pracontal, Mona (2011-10-01)
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La reine des elfes (Akalie t. 2) (French Edition) von Phaeton, Jupiter (2019-02-17)
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Mia & Korum (Toute la Trilogie des Chroniques Krinar) (Les Chroniques Krinar) (French Edition) von Zaires, Anna; Zales, Dima (2015-06-15)
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Yakuna (Kacy Matthews t. 2) (French Edition) von Phaeton, Jupiter (2019-04-17)
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Ygnit (Kacy Matthews t. 3) (French Edition) von Phaeton, Jupiter (2019-07-17)
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== Geldanlage & Vermögensaufbau ==

Epargnant 3.0 (French Edition) von Petit, Edouard (2015-11-20)
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== Historische Romane ==

Les rois maudits - Tome 1 (French Edition) von DRUON, Maurice (2013-12-05)
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== Horror ==

Amalia (French Edition) von Delight, Daryl (2018-03-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07BN1JFQ3
La famille Nilsen (French Edition) von Delight, Daryl (2019-05-15)
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== Humoristisch ==

Love in Provence (French Edition) von Balliana, Tamara (2017-08-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB06Y46R639

== Kategorien ==

L'art subtil de séduire: Attirer les femmes avec honnêteté (EYROLLES) (French Edition) von Manson, Mark (2019-09-12)
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== Lebensführung ==

LIBÉREZ VOTRE FUTUR (French Edition) von ALVAREZ, Christophe (2020-02-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB084WSXD28

== Liebesromane ==

Dis-moi pourquoi (French Edition) von Amey, Ninon (2018-11-02)
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Elsie Waldon: Tome 1 - Métamorphose (French Edition) von Guerard, Olivier (2017-10-04)
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Ma vie, mon ex et autres calamités: La comédie romantique de l'été (French Edition) von Vareille, Marie (2018-07-04)
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STAY - L'intégrale : Après Be Mine, découvrez la nouvelle série de la reine du New Adult à la française ! (&H) (French Edition) von Bastian, N.C. (2019-09-04)
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== Literatur ==

Bal mortel à Honeychurch : Les mystères de Honeychurch (French Edition) von Dennison, Hannah (2019-08-21)
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Hamish Macbeth 1 - Qui prend la mouche (French Edition) von Guerre, Karine; Beaton, M. C. (2019-05-02)
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La Chambre des Merveilles (Littérature Française) (French Edition) von Sandrel, Julien (2018-03-07)
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Les Oubliés du dimanche (French Edition) von Perrin, Valérie (2015-05-04)
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Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles (French Edition) von Pancol, Katherine (2011-10-01)
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Noir comme la mer (Spécial suspense) (French Edition) von Clark, Mary Higgins; Damour, Anne (2017-05-10)
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== Literatur & Fiktion ==

Juste Puni : une histoire dont vous ne ressortirez pas indemne.: "Une vague d'émotion" - "Addictif et percutant" - "Un roman à lire de toute urgence"... (French Edition) von W., Anaïs (2018-09-29)
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La Nuit du renard (Spécial suspense) (French Edition) von Clark, Mary Higgins; Damour, Anne (2014-09-01)
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La salle de bal (Folio t. 6630) (French Edition) von Hope, Anna (2019-04-02)
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Les années (Folio t. 5000) (French Edition) von Ernaux, Annie (2012-04-25)
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Par les routes (L'arbalète) (French Edition) von Prudhomme, Sylvain (2019-08-21)
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Tours et détours de la vilaine fille (Folio t. 4712) (French Edition) von Llosa, Mario Vargas (2012-04-26)
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== Okkultismus ==

Sixtine - Livre I (French Edition) von Vermalle, Caroline (2018-01-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB07961LQ77

== Partnerschaft & Beziehungen ==

Maintenant et à jamais: une décision peut-elle changer toute une vie? (French Edition) von MARTINEZ, Audrey (2017-07-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ddeB072TMH9GS

== Philosophie ==

L'art de la guerre : Traduit et commenté du chinois par Jean Lévi - Inédit (Pluriel) (French Edition) von Sun Tzu (2018-04-03)
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== Ratgeber ==

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