[es.music] Discontinuation of free MP3 download notifications

autosender en heidoc.net autosender en heidoc.net
Jue Mar 5 23:49:51 UTC 2020

Dear Subscribers,


For many years this mailing list has been dedicated to informing all of you
whenever there was any free MP3 download available on Amazon.

Whenever Amazon implemented changes to make these downloads increasingly
more difficult to find, in the end I outsmarted them and found a loophole.


But now, in the end, they outsmarted me.


The interface that I have used to grab the data will shut down on 9 March.
The new interface they replace it with no longer has any loopholes that
allow to find free songs and albums.


I will let the scripts run for three more days, and once the shutdown is
definite, I will also delete this mailing list, including your personal
data. (Maybe we'll get a few days extra if Amazon forgets to pull the
trigger in time.)


If you've subscribed to any other freebies lists, these will not be affected
by the change (except, possibly the free videos list, which I'm still
working on and not yet given up, but I'll send a separate notification if I
have to shut it down too.)


Thanks for staying to the end!



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