[fr.kindle] Livres Numériques Gratuits - France

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* Livres Numériques Gratuits (France) *

Les livres suivants sont devenus gratuits durant les six dernières heures. La disponibilité des offres gratuites peut être limitée par région, et peut se terminer à tout moment. Vérifier le prix soigneusement avant de vous acheter.
Langues dans cette édition: Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Portugais.

=== Anglais ===

== Action & Adventure ==

Eversong: The daughter of Chaos: Volume 1 (English Edition) de Salter, A. C. (2016-02-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB01BQMJJYS

== Anthologies ==

H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction (English Edition) de Lovecraft, H.P. (2020-01-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB083WMSMQH

== Christian Living ==

The Way Home: Navigating the Way to Heaven (English Edition) de Davis, Dwight (2012-06-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB008B0AL8W

== Computers & Internet ==

Amazon Aurora: User Guide for Aurora (English Edition) de Amazon Web Services
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07QVBFM3M

== Discipleship ==

Mentoring Ministry: How God Can Use You to Shape the Following Generations (English Edition) de Kay, Fraser (2020-02-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084JGN24B

== Genre Fiction ==

Blessings from the Goddess (The Precious Quest Book 1) (English Edition) de Cowtan, Cheryl R (2019-01-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07N15LB1J
Cherry Pop: Prequel to the Vampire Cherry series (English Edition) de Lazu, Sotia (2014-12-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00RDFUKNW
Delicate (English Edition) de Winters, W.; Winters, Willow (2020-02-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084KHRNRF
Knights of the Chosen (Spirit of Empire Book 2) (English Edition) de White, Lawrence P. (2011-06-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00580VV0K
Seized by Love (Love in Bloom: The Ryders): Blue Ryder (English Edition) de Foster, Melissa (2015-10-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB012YJ1YG8
The Billionaire Bold (Untamed Billionaires Book 2) (English Edition) de Hart, Romi (2018-08-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07GDNTKFQ

=== Allemand ===

== Cooking, Food & Wine ==

Das Leben der 100 Jährigen: Mehr als 70 Rezepte und Pflegeprodukte, die die Menschen alt machen (German Edition) de Steiner, Nicole (2020-02-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084HCDSF4

== Foreign Languages ==

Spanisch lernen mal anders - 333 Spanische Redewendungen: Sprichwörter, Vokabeln, Eselsbrücken und Fun Facts machen aus Dir einen Spanisch-Profi (German Edition) de Sprachen lernen mal anders (2019-08-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07WPW8D9P

== Respiratory Therapy ==

SELBSTBEWUSST & GLÜCKLICH: Finde die Quelle in dir! Positiv denken, sich selbst lieben lernen, Selbstzweifel überwinden, das innere Kind heilen, Selbstvertrauen ... Selbstbewusstsein stärken. (German Edition) de GEIST, GESUNDER (2020-01-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0847Q3LGB

=== Espagnol ===

== Children's Books ==

Prohibido Para Mujeres: La Mentalidad Seductora del Seductor (Spanish Edition) de Joseth Monje, Salomon (2020-02-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084KYPZGZ

== Mysteries, Espionage, & Detectives ==

Latidos del Corazón: El Velo del Amor (Muerte Súbita nº 2) (Spanish Edition) de Garrido, Deivy (2018-01-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB079DGKJRP

=== Portugais ===

== Education ==

Resumos Notórios: Administração Geral e Pública e Gestão de Pessoas - Versão Estendida (Portuguese Edition) de Oliver, R. R. (2020-02-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084JC6MC1
Resumos Notórios: Direito Administrativo (Portuguese Edition) de Oliver, R. R. (2020-02-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084KWCWDF

== France ==

O Dia D: O Dia da Invasão Aliada na Normandia e o Início da Derrota Nazista (Portuguese Edition) de Digital, Ler+ (2020-02-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084KJP71S

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