[fr.kindle] Livres Numériques Gratuits - France

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* Livres Numériques Gratuits (France) *

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Langues dans cette édition: Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol, Portugais, Tamoul.

=== Anglais ===

== Action & Adventure ==

Redemption: A Dark Irish Mafia Romance (English Edition) de Parker, Faye (2019-03-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07PP8HC1B
Saving Olympus (English Edition) de Shinde, Atharv (2020-03-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085BRYD74

== Business & Investing ==

10 Steps To Success: Write It Down and Make It Happen (Goal Setting For Personal Success, Smarter Goal Setting Tips - Steps, Template &  Examples Included) (2020 UPDATE) (English Edition) de Morris, Matt (2014-01-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00GH4HNC6

== Children's Books ==

>From The Wreckage (English Edition) de Miller, Michele G (2014-06-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00KXIJ4H4

== Consumer Behavior ==

Warm, Dry, and Comfortable: Developing the GORE-TEX® Brand (English Edition) de Unland, John (2019-08-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07VY5QWZL

== Ebooks en anglais ==

NLP Hacks 2 In 1: The Proven System To Improve Your Actions, Influence Your Beliefs And Shape Your Life (English Edition) de Sperry, Joseph; Magana, Patrick (2019-12-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0828GLQHG
The Power Of NLP: Little-Known Strategies To Access Your Mind And Truly Program Yourself Just Like A Computer (English Edition) de Sperry, Joseph; Magana, Patrick (2019-12-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0828FGT3D

== Exercise & Fitness ==

S is for...Short, sweet, simple Sports Coaching and Performance: For parents, players, and pedagogues (English Edition) de Davy, Christopher (2020-02-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0852QGYQ5

== Genre Fiction ==

Brave (Alpha Men Book 4) (English Edition) de Ford, Hope (2019-02-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07NDJLVGF
Cash Kills: PI Angelina Bonaparte Crime Thrillers #2 (Angelina Bonaparte Mysteries) (English Edition) de Rathbun, Nanci (2017-07-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB072N6BBHS
Cursed Dragon, A Dragon Shifter Romance (English Edition) de Night, Emma (2017-06-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB071XCX1HZ
Park City Firefighter Romance Collection (English Edition) de Gay, Sarah (2018-12-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07MDRBQLZ
Prince of Chaos (English Edition) de Wilde, Amelia (2020-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085CMVP66
The Water Column (A Lila Piper Novel Book 1) (English Edition) de Jane, Aran (2020-02-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0854KJRWN
Trust in Me: A Fake Relationship Opposites Attract Romance (All I Want Book 4) (English Edition) de Coll, Lea (2019-11-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07XB6X2F9

== Herbs, Spices & Condiments ==

Spice Mixes: 39 Spices And Herbs Mixes From Around The World That Every Chef Should Know (Seasoning And Spices Cookbook, Seasoning Mixes Book 1) (English Edition) de Marin, Susannah (2015-03-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00VIWKRRK

== Marketing ==

Entrepreneurial behaviour (English Edition) de The Open University (2016-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB01D8X502S

== Medical ==

Against Doctor's Orders (English Edition) de Weinberg Barton, Ali (2017-01-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB01N6T8B0H

== Medicine ==

CoronaVirus 2020 Survival Handbook: Facts, Symptoms, Modes of Transmission, Prevention & Treatment: Protect yourself & your loved ones with science-backed ... (COVID19 Book 1) (English Edition) de Abrahamson, Dr. Jerry (2020-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085CCJ7SP

== Metaphysical ==

Lavender Cove Shifters: Heath: A Steamy Werewolf Romance Serial (Alpha Charming Book 1) (English Edition) de Fabray, Luna (2019-11-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB08216FB99

== Occultism ==

KABBALAH MAGIC IN 90 MINUTES: The Most recommended book for beginners (English Edition) de Naveed, M Muzamal (2019-11-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB08123K437

== Prophecies ==

Biblical Prophecy: End Time Signs Predictions (English Edition) de Leonard, Cheryl (2018-06-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07DGRK2XL

== Publishing & Books ==

Successful Self-Publishing: How to self-publish and market your book (Books for Writers 1) (English Edition) de Penn, Joanna (2015-12-16)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB019H38JL2

== Research ==

Online Product Reviews: Reviewing Products Through YouTube Videos and Website Review Marketing (English Edition) de Arron, TJ (2017-10-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0765W45J5

== Success ==

Improve your Social Skills: Guide to Overcome Shyness, Confidence for Adults People. Make Success on Conversation, Communication and The Business Manage. ... Emotional Intelligence (English Edition) de Jeffmen, Will (2019-11-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0818ZDFVG

== Time Management ==

Get Smarter: 30 Ways to Change the Way People Perceive You, Increase Your Intelligence and Become the Greatest Version of Yourself (Brain Hacks, Increase ... Things Done, Increase IQ) (English Edition) de Maddox, Theodore (2015-01-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00SUCM7L0

=== Allemand ===

== Divination ==

Gewohnheiten ändern: Diese 15 Gewohnheiten verschaffen dir mehr Erfolg, steigern deine Motivation und erhöhen deine Produktivität! Durch Willenskraft und ... neue Ziele erreichen (German Edition) de Smith, Bill (2018-05-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07CYZNLVZ

== Genre Fiction ==

4 Heimat-Romane: Liebe im Dirndl - Bergroman Sammelband 4007 (German Edition) de Friebel, G. S. (2020-03-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085DZS7YT
Burritos und Bachelor (German Edition) de Wächter, Jule (2020-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085DD7R1T
Der geliebte Major (Herzöge des Krieges 4) (German Edition) de Ridley, Erica (2019-04-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07NC4CMSV
Herz aus dem Takt: Kurzroman zu "Zimtschneckenjahre" (German Edition) de Prenner, Pia Christina (2020-02-13)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB084T8GPHB
Welt aus Staub (German Edition) de Bellem, Stephan R. (2020-01-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB083TMC2W2

=== Italien ===

== Literary ==

I promessi sposi (Italian Edition) de Alessandro Manzoni (2017-03-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB06XXRHN2C

== New Business Enterprises ==

Il nuovo principe: Perché e come fare startup (Italian Edition) de Trombetti, Marco (2019-10-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07ZKPHK6X

=== Espagnol ===

== Action & Adventure ==

Cenizas de la empatía (Spanish Edition) de Galiano Correa, A. (2018-11-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07KNFP97F

== Children's Books ==

La Fuerza del Guerrero Poderoso 10: Los dos genios sin igual finalmente se cruzaron (La leyenda del héroe hechicero) (Spanish Edition) de Book, Mano; Wei Yao, Hua Luo (2020-02-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085371BGC

== Genre Fiction ==

Por el Sendero del Puma: (Bilogía El Sendero 1) (Spanish Edition) de Blacksmith, May (2019-07-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07VDB8W8Z
Seduciendo su Corazón (Manhattan Dinner Club nº 2) (Spanish Edition) de Joachim, Jean (2017-04-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB06XZW73M5

=== Portugais ===

== Action & Adventure ==

O Som no Fim do Túnel (Portuguese Edition) de R. Melo, N. (2018-08-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07GJB7Z8V

== Arts & Photography ==

Desenvolvimento de projetos audiovisuais: pela Metodologia DPA (Portuguese Edition) de Teso, Pablo del; Cardôso, Cristina; Ortega, Raquel (2017-06-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0711XX266

== Earth Sciences ==

Métodos e técnicas de pesquisa em bacias hidrográficas (Portuguese Edition) de Moraes, Maria Eugênia Bruck de; Lorandi, Reinaldo (2017-06-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07218F8Q8

== Education ==

Educação inclusiva: o professor mediando para a vida (Portuguese Edition) de Sampaio, Cristiane T.; Sampaio, Sônia Maria R. (2015-05-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00Y8I7PW6
Michel de Certeau e as pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos em educação (Portuguese Edition) de Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Soares, Maria da Conceição Silva; Alves, Nilda (2019-07-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07V6YZW58
Notas teórico-metodológicas de pesquisas em educação: concepções e trajetórias (Portuguese Edition) de Mororó, Leila Pio; Couto, Maria Elizabete Souza; Assis, Raimunda Alves Moreira de (2020-02-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07HCQB5TL
Teorias e práticas em tecnologias educacionais (Portuguese Edition) de Sousa, Robson Pequeno de; Bezerra, Carolina Cavalcanti; Silva, Eliane de Moura; Moita, Filomema Maria Gonçalves da Silva (2017-02-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB06XMXPBLK

== Family Saga ==

Corações Traiçoeiros (Portuguese Edition) de Freitas, Kira (2019-08-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07WGXTW6W

== Genre Fiction ==

Acordo Pré-Nupcial (Portuguese Edition) de Pimentel, Ane (2018-05-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07CVMQLR4
Anoiteceu (Dançando com Lobos Livro 1) (Portuguese Edition) de Galindo, Irla (2016-11-18)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB01N1HCMQU
Antologia Mulheres e seus Prazeres (Portuguese Edition) de D.H.F, Marli; Ramalho, Cari; K., Eva; Dias, Fabi ; Matos, Flávia; Soares, Kaliana; dos Passos, Laís; Canan, Mari; Pereira, Ray; Bastos, Taiane (2019-11-13)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB081J1RDXN
AUSTENAPP: Um Darcy para chamar de meu (Série Austen Livro 1) (Portuguese Edition) de Salles, Katherine (2019-02-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07NYVBH9S
Enviada Pelo Céu (Portuguese Edition) de Mancini, Izabella (2019-10-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07YR7CGMB
Meu Sansão (Portuguese Edition) de Salles, Katherine (2018-11-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07L1MT5P3
O CEO E A ESPOSA COMPRADA (Portuguese Edition) de Braun, Anna (2020-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085DNGRNF

== Philosophy ==

Wittgenstein e o problema da harmonia entre pensamento e realidade (Portuguese Edition) de Segatto, Antonio Ianni (2016-10-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB01M9B4SBY

== Philosophy & Social Aspects ==

Educação e sua diversidade (Portuguese Edition) de Santos, Arlete Ramos dos; Oliveira, Julia Maria da Silva; Coelho, Lívia Andrade (2018-10-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07JQ6K43K

== Physics ==

Deus ou seja a natureza: Spinoza e os novos paradigmas da física (Portuguese Edition) de Ponczek, Roberto Leon (2015-06-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB00ZPKUAH8

== Sociology ==

Relações étnico-raciais, de gênero e sexualidade: perspectivas contemporâneas (Portuguese Edition) de Ferreira, Aparecida de Jesus (2017-05-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB071V5L9B4

== Special Education ==

Educação de surdos: formação, estratégias e prática docente (Portuguese Edition) de Almeida, Wolney Gomes (2017-06-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB071JSTFL5

=== Tamoul ===

== Children's Books ==

அறிவுக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு அழகிய தமிழ்ப்பெயர்கள் (Tamil Edition) de Kalaiventhan, M (2020-02-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0851BL13V

== Comics & Graphic Novels ==

ஒழுக்கமும்/இயற்கையும் (Tamil Edition) de Sri, ஸ்ரீ (2020-03-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB085DKM642

== Genre Fiction ==

மயக்கும் பெண்ணே..! மந்தாரைப் பூவே..!!: Mayakkum Penne..! Manthaarai Poove..!! (Tamil Edition) de சுகா, ஹன்சிகா; suga, Hansika (2019-05-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB07RTMQC12

== Theater ==

Karka..Kasadara..Natppai.. (Tamil Edition) de Janavi, Jiya  (2020-02-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/kfrB0854MXD7V

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