[nl.kindledeals] E-Book Deals - Netherlands

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Wo Nov 27 00:54:02 UTC 2019

* E-Book Deals (Netherlands) *

The following deals have become available in the past 6 hours.
Languages in this issue: German, Italian, Spanish.

=== German ===

== Thrillers ==

Entzweiung: Thriller (German Edition) by Scott Nicholson (2014-04-16)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00AQZIX9E

=== Italian ===

== Fiction ==

Nel primo cerchio: 9788862433860 (Sírin) (Italian Edition) by Aleksandr Solženicyn (2018-12-21)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07M5M4K72
Viaggio in Portogallo (Italian Edition) by José Saramago (2015-10-08)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B016N21PMA

== Literary Fiction ==

Flannery O'Connor. Tutti i racconti (Italian Edition) by Flannery O'Connor (2017-09-06)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B075CPK6SD

=== Spanish ===

== Architecture ==

Coaching con Design Thinking: El proceso creativo para innovadores, transformadores y amantes del cambio (Spanish Edition) by Jon Elejabeitia (2018-03-05)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07B8M4PZH

== Classics ==

Viaje al Oeste. Las aventuras del Rey Mono (Tiempo de Clásicos nº 18) (Spanish Edition) by Anónimo chino del siglo XVI (2016-11-25)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B01FHHWZWG

== E-business ==

El marketing del permiso (Gestion Del Conocimiento) (Spanish Edition) by Seth Godin (2014-01-20)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B01B616V90

== Economic Policy & Development ==

Una revolución liberal para España: Anatomía de un país libre y próspero: ¿cómo sería y qué beneficios obtendríamos? (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramón Rallo Julián (2014-03-25)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00IN37WT8

== Romance ==

Segundas oportunidades (Spanish Edition) by Anna Garcia (2017-03-04)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B06XFGMYCG

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