[nl.kindledeals] E-Book Deals - Netherlands

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* E-Book Deals (Netherlands) *

The following deals have become available in the past 6 hours.
Languages in this issue: English, French, Italian, Spanish.

=== English ===

== Mystery ==

Innocent Graves (Inspector Banks Book 8) by Robinson, Peter (2009-08-21)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B003GK21OY

=== French ===

== Contemporary ==

Ombre et mystère (Tome 1) - Envoûtée (French Edition) by Armentrout, Jennifer L. (2019-04-17)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07PYK5J88

=== Italian ===

== Classics ==

Il vecchio e il mare (Oscar classici moderni Vol. 21) (Italian Edition) by Hemingway, Ernest (2011-10-04)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00606TSW4
Uno, nessuno e centomila (Italian Edition) by Luigi Pirandello (2019-08-01)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07VVLBJ2L

== Stress ==

Meditazione per principianti: Come imparare a meditare, ridurre lo stress e ritrovare la felicità (Italian Edition) by Morris, Martin (2019-10-26)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07ZMPPV8B

== Thrillers ==

I misteri di Borgoladro (Italian Edition) by Semplici, Filippo (2020-02-20)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B083XV29XT

== Travellers & Explorers ==

In principio era KAOS: Gli dei dell'Olimpo e i loro progenitori come non ve li hanno mai raccontati! Tutta la verità sulle storie divine (Italian Edition) by Trebeschi, Giada (2018-09-01)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07DPRF39G

=== Spanish ===

== Contemporary Fiction ==

Esperando al rey: Premio Alfonso X novela histórica 2014 (Spanish Edition) by Peridis (2014-10-07)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00NI10HNS
Los Austrias. El tiempo en sus manos: Los Austrias II (Spanish Edition) by Corral, José Luis (2017-11-14)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B076CST9NY

== New Adult ==

Tormenta (Voces del pasado nº 1) (Spanish Edition) by Estríngana, Moruena (2019-11-04)
 * http://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07YNQH2G8

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