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                      <h1>New Logos Deals available!</h1>
                  <tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Beyond the Brady Bunch: Hope and Help for Blended Families</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472344/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Beyond the Brady Bunch: Hope and Help for Blended Families" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
A message of hope for blended families,
from a couple who have been in the trenches - and made
it.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/17394/beyond-the-brady-bunch-hope-and-help-for-blended-families" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/17394" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Beyond the Brady Bunch: Hope and Help for Blended Families</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472344/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Beyond the Brady Bunch: Hope and Help for Blended Families" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
A message of hope for blended families,
from a couple who have been in the trenches - and made
it.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/17394/beyond-the-brady-bunch-hope-and-help-for-blended-families" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/17394" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Room for Doubt: How Uncertainty Can Deepen Your Faith</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1469444/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Room for Doubt: How Uncertainty Can Deepen Your Faith" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Many people have questions about faith. Ben Young knows what
it’s like to feel as if you’re alone in your doubts. In Room for
Doubt, Ben offers:

An honest look at hard questions about God, the Bible, and
Examples of spiritual giants in Scripture and history who
Insight into how to process uncertainty, suffering, and
disappointment with God
Clarity on the difference between uncertainty and mystery
Encouragement about how doubt and faith go together

Ben invites<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/144697/room-for-doubt-how-uncertainty-can-deepen-your-faith" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/145474" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Let All the Little Children Come to Me</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1485372/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Let All the Little Children Come to Me" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
It is said that everyone has a story to tell, a voice that
deserves to be heard. There are many thousands of children with
special needs who have long been ignored, rejected and excluded
from our schools, our communities, and, sadly, from our Bible
classes. We believe that these children are loved deeply and
completely by our Lord and that they too are called to come unto
Him.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/31607/let-all-the-little-children-come-to-me" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/31607" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1473598/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Imagine this scenario for a typical teenager in your church:
He's separated from his family and sent to live in a hedonistic,
no-holds-barred culture. He's stripped of his spiritual support,
left alone, and treated unfairly. Then, at his most vulnerable
point, his ego is stoked with power and success. Throughout this
rollercoaster ride, would he continue to serve God?<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/18572/raising-a-modern-day-joseph-a-timeless-strategy-for-growing-great-kids" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/18572" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>The God Who Sees You: Look to Him When You Feel Discouraged, Forgotten, or Invisible</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1473602/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="The God Who Sees You: Look to Him When You Feel Discouraged, Forgotten, or Invisible" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
For anyone who ever feels invisible, unnoticed, or
unappreciated, here's an invitation to rediscover the biblical God
who sees you.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/18580/the-god-who-sees-you-look-to-him-when-you-feel-discouraged-forgotten-or-invisible" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/18580" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus: The Real Story of God at Work</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1459309/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus: The Real Story of God at Work" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        "Is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?" When a
respected Christian communicator read the question posed by
the New York Times, he chose to travel to Jordan and
Iraq in search of answers. What he discovered left him amazed and

While the news coverage of ISIS focuses on the horrors wrought by
this group, there is another side to the story that rarely gets
told. While terror is on the rise, Muslims are coming to faith in
Jesus like never before.

Charles Morris<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/129565/fleeing-isis-finding-jesus-the-real-story-of-god-at-work" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/130158" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Top Ten Ways to Be a Great Leader</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1466526/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Top Ten Ways to Be a Great Leader" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Dr. Hans Finzel knows from personal experience the key success
factors in every new leader's journey. He shows readers:

The two most important words in a leader's vocabulary
The skills a leader needs to communicate effectively
Why today's effective leaders lead with vulnerability
The contrast between servant leadership and slave
How to lead with both passion and humility
The difference between making a mark and leaving a legacy

In this eminently practical book, new lead<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/136323/top-ten-ways-to-be-a-great-leader" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/136935" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>When Grace Showed Up: One Couple's Story of Hope and Healing among the Poor</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1459018/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="When Grace Showed Up: One Couple&#39;s Story of Hope and Healing among the Poor" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Tich was a South African sports star who lost it all to
alcohol. Joan had recently lost her husband. Their lives were at
rock bottom when grace showed up and inspired these two middle
class South Africans to move past the racial prejudices of the
Apartheid era and launch a ministry together.

The result was Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV), the legendary
residential facility that rescues children, restores lives, and
raises young leaders in South Africa. This is the story of
transforme<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/129169/when-grace-showed-up-one-couples-story-of-hope-and-healing-among-the-poor" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/129760" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>The Curious Case of the Missing Figurehead: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492794/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="The Curious Case of the Missing Figurehead: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        She’s Passionate about Solving the Case ... with
the Town’s Life-Long Bachelor
El Littllefield runs The Butler Did It catering. It’s the
perfect cover for her to solve “who-done-its” (nothing too
dangerous, please!) in this small university town nestled in the
Blue Ridge Mountains. While catering her most important event yet—a
fancy retirement dinner for Dr. Max Haverhill, life-long bachelor
and history dean—countless guests fall ill, a 200 year-old relic is
stolen, and her best fri<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/39861/the-curious-case-of-the-missing-figurehead-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/39861" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492734/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In Astonished, Pastor Mike Erre calls
Christians away from simplistic formulas to honest and rugged faith
in the mysterious and unpredictable God.
God is more about deepening the mystery of faith, not removing
it. Jesus should get bigger the longer we walk with him. Life and
faith should grow to be more profound and wondrous, not less.
In Astonished, you will see how we are far more
comfortable with tips, steps and techniques for living, than we are
with ruthlessly trusting the m<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/39813/astonished-recapturing-the-wonder-awe-and-mystery-of-life-with-god" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/39813" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for Your Children through Practical and Memorable Experiences</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1506877/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for Your Children through Practical and Memorable Experiences" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Parents often experience a “freak out” moment when they
realize their children’s view of God will primarily come from what
they learn at home. Most parents spend more time helping their kids
succeed at academics or athletics than infusing shared spiritual
experiences into the rhythm of everyday family life.

While the idea of strategically passing down our faith can seem
intimidating, the annual Rites of Passage Experiences contained in
Pass It On make it easy for your family to celebr<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/53606/pass-it-on-building-a-legacy-of-faith-for-your-children-through-practical-and-memorable-experiences" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/53988" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Tombstones and Banana Trees: A True Story of Revolutionary Forgiveness</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472418/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Tombstones and Banana Trees: A True Story of Revolutionary Forgiveness" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Growing up with a violent father in the country of Uganda
in the 1960s, Medad Birungi faced physical and emotional pain that
few people can imagine––yet today he speaks of a revolutionary
forgiveness we all can experience.
Once a boy who begged to die by the side of the road, once a
teenager angry enough to kill, once a man broken and searching,
today Medad is a testimony to God’s transforming power. Through his
story of healing, Medad calls readers to find healing from their
own em<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/17464/tombstones-and-banana-trees-a-true-story-of-revolutionary-forgiveness" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/17464" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>11: Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1474975/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="11: Indispensable Relationships You Can&#39;t Be Without" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        As believers, our journey is just as important as the
destination. And because relationships are essential to our walk
through life, it is vital that we partner with people who
positively impact our world. Dr. Leonard Sweet believes these
essential people are found in the pages of God's Word. Using eleven
classic figures from the Bible, Dr. Sweet details key personal
attributes that make up God's Dream Team for your life. Readers of
all ages will be encouraged to not only seek out such <br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/20215/11-indispensable-relationships-you-cant-be-without" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/20215" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1505875/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
We talk a lot about resurrection. What about the death that must
come first? Through story and biblical insight, Rick James reminds
us that when Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross,
and follow him, he is describing a path of death, not a path to
death.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/52654/a-million-ways-to-die-the-only-way-to-live" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/53016" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Wilberforce</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492791/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Wilberforce" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        "Vivid and painstakingly researched biography." —Daily

"Wilberforce modeled a combination of Christian principle and
tactical genius as relevant in the twenty-first century as in his
own time." —William Hague

"The biography is the product of much painstaking research. John
Pollock has made use of virtually all the extant manuscript
collections containing Wilberforce materials. He gives a detailed
picture of his life and character which includes some important new
informa<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/39866/wilberforce" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/39866" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://cmrc1.logoscdn.com/www.logos.com/images/products/thumb_151113.jpeg?590974980352" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        This practical guide helps spouses to understand what drives
sexual addiction and how to find healing after betrayal.

When Jason Martinkus confessed his infidelity to his wife, Shelley,
she wasn’t sure she could ever trust him again. Together they began
a difficult but redemptive journey of understanding sexual
addiction. In this book, Jason and Shelley join Stephen Arterburn
to address the following:

•    What sexual addiction is and how to know if
someone is addicted
•    How to<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/151113/understanding-and-loving-a-person-with-sexual-addiction-biblical-and-practical-wisdom-to-build-empathy-preserve-boundaries-and-show-compassion" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/152612" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472404/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
This humorously illustrated book is a collection of
wisdom that renowned adventurer Bear Grylls wants to share with his
sons about the risks, tumbles, and victories of a well-lived
life.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/17419/to-my-sons-lessons-for-the-wild-adventure-called-life" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/17419" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Start Here: Beginning a Relationship with Jesus</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492788/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Start Here: Beginning a Relationship with Jesus" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Are you wondering what saying yes to following Jesus really
means? Do you want to know more about Christianity but you’re not
sure what, or how, to ask? Are you just beginning in a new faith in
Jesus Christ?
Then Start Here.
Written by two authors who also know what it’s like to seek
God, Start Here answers questions such as:
If God is real, now what?
What is the relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy
What does the church have to do with my life and my
faith?<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/39860/start-here-beginning-a-relationship-with-jesus" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/39860" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Apples of Gold</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1480102/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Apples of Gold" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Here's what women are saying about Apples of Gold . .
.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/25103/apples-of-gold" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/25103" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472356/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds
herself at the mercy of King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only
relative, her cousin Mordecai, and her first true love, Cyrus, she
is thrown headlong into the unrestrained extravagance of palace

Quick of mind and strong in spirit, Esther refuses to suffer the
fate of her harem sisters and boldly challenges Xerxes to give of
his heart before taking his pleasure, thus sealing her place beside
him as queen. While conspiracy s<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/17407/chosen-the-lost-diaries-of-queen-esther" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/17407" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>A Beautiful Fall: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1484722/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="A Beautiful Fall: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
High-powered Boston attorney Emma Madison is celebrating her
latest courtroom victory when she gets a call from a number she
doesn't recognize. Area code 803—home.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/30853/a-beautiful-fall-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/30853" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Hope Unleashed</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492737/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Hope Unleashed" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Hope Unleashed challenges Christians to evangelize their
communities through unashamed proclamation of the gospel and bold
community action projects to reach the poor.

Committed to bringing the Christian message to youth in his
hometown of Manchester, England, Andy Hawthorne was shocked when a
missions partner told him he shouldn’t just preach the gospel but
also engage in community projects. What has washing someone’s car
got to do with the gospel? The idea worked, and today Hawtho<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/39816/hope-unleashed" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/39816" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Veil of Fire: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1482326/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Veil of Fire: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In 1894, the worst firestorm in Minnesota history descended on
the town of Hinckley, consuming 400 square miles and killing 418
people in just four hours.

Heat, flame, and darkness swept through the town, devouring lives,
and consuming all hope. In the aftermath of the fire, the town of
Hinckley rises from the ashes, its people determined to rebuild
their lives.

But in the shadows, someone is watching, someone is waiting,
someone who knows the secrets the fire lay bare. A rumor spr<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/28306/veil-of-fire-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/28306" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1500707/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Don’t Think, Just Believe?
That’s the mantra in many circles today—whether the church, the
classroom, the campus, or the voting booth.

Time for a Reality Check
Nancy Pearcey, bestselling and critically acclaimed author, offers
fresh tools to break free from presumed certainties and test them
against reality. In Finding Truth, she explains five
powerful principles that penetrate to the core of any
worldview—secular or religious—to uncover its deepest motivations
and weigh its claims.<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/48897/finding-truth-5-principles-for-unmasking-atheism-secularism-and-other-god-substitutes" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/49104" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$1.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://cmrc1.logoscdn.com/www.logos.com/images/products/thumb_145394.jpeg?590864980352" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In this honest book, pastor and author Scott Sauls exposes the
real struggles that Christian leaders and pastors regularly
face. Sauls shares his own stories and those of other leaders from
Scripture and throughout history to remind us that we are human, we
are sinners, and we need Jesus to help us thrive as people and
For Christian leaders—both inside and outside of the
church—weaknesses that are left unchecked can lead to a downfall
that is both public and painful. They w<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/145394/from-weakness-to-strength-8-vulnerabilities-that-can-bring-out-the-best-in-your-leadership" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/146210" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$1.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Answers to Pastors' FAQs</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1475742/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Answers to Pastors&#39; FAQs" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Imagine what it would be like to have two highly respected
pastors agree to help you tackle every tough situation that you and
your church will face in the coming years. That is exactly what you
have in this one-of-a-kind resource from Dr. Warren Wiersbe and
Howard Sugden. Pulled from decades of pastoral experience, Wiersbe
and Sugden provide answers that you won't find in
seminaries—answers that both new and experienced pastors need to
know to survive and thrive in ministry.

<br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/products/20937/answers-to-pastors-faqs" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://store.faithlife.com/buy/20937" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>store.faithlife.com<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$10.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Room for Doubt: How Uncertainty Can Deepen Your Faith</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1469444/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Room for Doubt: How Uncertainty Can Deepen Your Faith" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Many people have questions about faith. Ben Young knows what
it’s like to feel as if you’re alone in your doubts. In Room for
Doubt, Ben offers:

An honest look at hard questions about God, the Bible, and
Examples of spiritual giants in Scripture and history who
Insight into how to process uncertainty, suffering, and
disappointment with God
Clarity on the difference between uncertainty and mystery
Encouragement about how doubt and faith go together

Ben invites<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/144697/room-for-doubt-how-uncertainty-can-deepen-your-faith" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/145474" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Let All the Little Children Come to Me</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1485372/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Let All the Little Children Come to Me" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
It is said that everyone has a story to tell, a voice that
deserves to be heard. There are many thousands of children with
special needs who have long been ignored, rejected and excluded
from our schools, our communities, and, sadly, from our Bible
classes. We believe that these children are loved deeply and
completely by our Lord and that they too are called to come unto
Him.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/31607/let-all-the-little-children-come-to-me" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/31607" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1473598/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Imagine this scenario for a typical teenager in your church:
He's separated from his family and sent to live in a hedonistic,
no-holds-barred culture. He's stripped of his spiritual support,
left alone, and treated unfairly. Then, at his most vulnerable
point, his ego is stoked with power and success. Throughout this
rollercoaster ride, would he continue to serve God?<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/18572/raising-a-modern-day-joseph-a-timeless-strategy-for-growing-great-kids" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/18572" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>The God Who Sees You: Look to Him When You Feel Discouraged, Forgotten, or Invisible</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1473602/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="The God Who Sees You: Look to Him When You Feel Discouraged, Forgotten, or Invisible" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
For anyone who ever feels invisible, unnoticed, or
unappreciated, here's an invitation to rediscover the biblical God
who sees you.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/18580/the-god-who-sees-you-look-to-him-when-you-feel-discouraged-forgotten-or-invisible" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/18580" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$19.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus: The Real Story of God at Work</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1459309/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus: The Real Story of God at Work" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        "Is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?" When a
respected Christian communicator read the question posed by
the New York Times, he chose to travel to Jordan and
Iraq in search of answers. What he discovered left him amazed and

While the news coverage of ISIS focuses on the horrors wrought by
this group, there is another side to the story that rarely gets
told. While terror is on the rise, Muslims are coming to faith in
Jesus like never before.

Charles Morris<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/129565/fleeing-isis-finding-jesus-the-real-story-of-god-at-work" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/130158" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Top Ten Ways to Be a Great Leader</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1466526/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Top Ten Ways to Be a Great Leader" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Dr. Hans Finzel knows from personal experience the key success
factors in every new leader's journey. He shows readers:

The two most important words in a leader's vocabulary
The skills a leader needs to communicate effectively
Why today's effective leaders lead with vulnerability
The contrast between servant leadership and slave
How to lead with both passion and humility
The difference between making a mark and leaving a legacy

In this eminently practical book, new lead<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/136323/top-ten-ways-to-be-a-great-leader" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/136935" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>When Grace Showed Up: One Couple's Story of Hope and Healing among the Poor</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1459018/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="When Grace Showed Up: One Couple&#39;s Story of Hope and Healing among the Poor" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Tich was a South African sports star who lost it all to
alcohol. Joan had recently lost her husband. Their lives were at
rock bottom when grace showed up and inspired these two middle
class South Africans to move past the racial prejudices of the
Apartheid era and launch a ministry together.

The result was Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV), the legendary
residential facility that rescues children, restores lives, and
raises young leaders in South Africa. This is the story of
transforme<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/129169/when-grace-showed-up-one-couples-story-of-hope-and-healing-among-the-poor" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/129760" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>The Curious Case of the Missing Figurehead: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492794/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="The Curious Case of the Missing Figurehead: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        She’s Passionate about Solving the Case ... with
the Town’s Life-Long Bachelor
El Littllefield runs The Butler Did It catering. It’s the
perfect cover for her to solve “who-done-its” (nothing too
dangerous, please!) in this small university town nestled in the
Blue Ridge Mountains. While catering her most important event yet—a
fancy retirement dinner for Dr. Max Haverhill, life-long bachelor
and history dean—countless guests fall ill, a 200 year-old relic is
stolen, and her best fri<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/39861/the-curious-case-of-the-missing-figurehead-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/39861" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$16.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492734/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In Astonished, Pastor Mike Erre calls
Christians away from simplistic formulas to honest and rugged faith
in the mysterious and unpredictable God.
God is more about deepening the mystery of faith, not removing
it. Jesus should get bigger the longer we walk with him. Life and
faith should grow to be more profound and wondrous, not less.
In Astonished, you will see how we are far more
comfortable with tips, steps and techniques for living, than we are
with ruthlessly trusting the m<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/39813/astonished-recapturing-the-wonder-awe-and-mystery-of-life-with-god" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/39813" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for Your Children through Practical and Memorable Experiences</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1506877/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Pass It On: Building a Legacy of Faith for Your Children through Practical and Memorable Experiences" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Parents often experience a “freak out” moment when they
realize their children’s view of God will primarily come from what
they learn at home. Most parents spend more time helping their kids
succeed at academics or athletics than infusing shared spiritual
experiences into the rhythm of everyday family life.

While the idea of strategically passing down our faith can seem
intimidating, the annual Rites of Passage Experiences contained in
Pass It On make it easy for your family to celebr<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/53606/pass-it-on-building-a-legacy-of-faith-for-your-children-through-practical-and-memorable-experiences" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/53988" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Tombstones and Banana Trees: A True Story of Revolutionary Forgiveness</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472418/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Tombstones and Banana Trees: A True Story of Revolutionary Forgiveness" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Growing up with a violent father in the country of Uganda
in the 1960s, Medad Birungi faced physical and emotional pain that
few people can imagine––yet today he speaks of a revolutionary
forgiveness we all can experience.
Once a boy who begged to die by the side of the road, once a
teenager angry enough to kill, once a man broken and searching,
today Medad is a testimony to God’s transforming power. Through his
story of healing, Medad calls readers to find healing from their
own em<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/17464/tombstones-and-banana-trees-a-true-story-of-revolutionary-forgiveness" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/17464" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>11: Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1474975/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="11: Indispensable Relationships You Can&#39;t Be Without" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        As believers, our journey is just as important as the
destination. And because relationships are essential to our walk
through life, it is vital that we partner with people who
positively impact our world. Dr. Leonard Sweet believes these
essential people are found in the pages of God's Word. Using eleven
classic figures from the Bible, Dr. Sweet details key personal
attributes that make up God's Dream Team for your life. Readers of
all ages will be encouraged to not only seek out such <br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/20215/11-indispensable-relationships-you-cant-be-without" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/20215" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$15.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1505875/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
We talk a lot about resurrection. What about the death that must
come first? Through story and biblical insight, Rick James reminds
us that when Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross,
and follow him, he is describing a path of death, not a path to
death.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/52654/a-million-ways-to-die-the-only-way-to-live" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/53016" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Wilberforce</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492791/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Wilberforce" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        "Vivid and painstakingly researched biography." —Daily

"Wilberforce modeled a combination of Christian principle and
tactical genius as relevant in the twenty-first century as in his
own time." —William Hague

"The biography is the product of much painstaking research. John
Pollock has made use of virtually all the extant manuscript
collections containing Wilberforce materials. He gives a detailed
picture of his life and character which includes some important new
informa<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/39866/wilberforce" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/39866" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://cmrc1.logoscdn.com/www.logos.com/images/products/thumb_151113.jpeg?590974980352" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        This practical guide helps spouses to understand what drives
sexual addiction and how to find healing after betrayal.

When Jason Martinkus confessed his infidelity to his wife, Shelley,
she wasn’t sure she could ever trust him again. Together they began
a difficult but redemptive journey of understanding sexual
addiction. In this book, Jason and Shelley join Stephen Arterburn
to address the following:

•    What sexual addiction is and how to know if
someone is addicted
•    How to<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/151113/understanding-and-loving-a-person-with-sexual-addiction-biblical-and-practical-wisdom-to-build-empathy-preserve-boundaries-and-show-compassion" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/152612" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472404/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
This humorously illustrated book is a collection of
wisdom that renowned adventurer Bear Grylls wants to share with his
sons about the risks, tumbles, and victories of a well-lived
life.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/17419/to-my-sons-lessons-for-the-wild-adventure-called-life" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/17419" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Start Here: Beginning a Relationship with Jesus</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492788/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Start Here: Beginning a Relationship with Jesus" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Are you wondering what saying yes to following Jesus really
means? Do you want to know more about Christianity but you’re not
sure what, or how, to ask? Are you just beginning in a new faith in
Jesus Christ?
Then Start Here.
Written by two authors who also know what it’s like to seek
God, Start Here answers questions such as:
If God is real, now what?
What is the relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy
What does the church have to do with my life and my
faith?<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/39860/start-here-beginning-a-relationship-with-jesus" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/39860" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Apples of Gold</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1480102/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Apples of Gold" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Here's what women are saying about Apples of Gold . .
.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/25103/apples-of-gold" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/25103" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1472356/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds
herself at the mercy of King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only
relative, her cousin Mordecai, and her first true love, Cyrus, she
is thrown headlong into the unrestrained extravagance of palace

Quick of mind and strong in spirit, Esther refuses to suffer the
fate of her harem sisters and boldly challenges Xerxes to give of
his heart before taking his pleasure, thus sealing her place beside
him as queen. While conspiracy s<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/17407/chosen-the-lost-diaries-of-queen-esther" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/17407" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>A Beautiful Fall: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1484722/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="A Beautiful Fall: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
High-powered Boston attorney Emma Madison is celebrating her
latest courtroom victory when she gets a call from a number she
doesn't recognize. Area code 803—home.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/30853/a-beautiful-fall-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/30853" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Hope Unleashed</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1492737/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Hope Unleashed" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
Hope Unleashed challenges Christians to evangelize their
communities through unashamed proclamation of the gospel and bold
community action projects to reach the poor.

Committed to bringing the Christian message to youth in his
hometown of Manchester, England, Andy Hawthorne was shocked when a
missions partner told him he shouldn’t just preach the gospel but
also engage in community projects. What has washing someone’s car
got to do with the gospel? The idea worked, and today Hawtho<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/39816/hope-unleashed" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/39816" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Veil of Fire: A Novel</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1482326/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Veil of Fire: A Novel" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In 1894, the worst firestorm in Minnesota history descended on
the town of Hinckley, consuming 400 square miles and killing 418
people in just four hours.

Heat, flame, and darkness swept through the town, devouring lives,
and consuming all hope. In the aftermath of the fire, the town of
Hinckley rises from the ashes, its people determined to rebuild
their lives.

But in the shadows, someone is watching, someone is waiting,
someone who knows the secrets the fire lay bare. A rumor spr<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/28306/veil-of-fire-a-novel" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/28306" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$14.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1500707/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Don’t Think, Just Believe?
That’s the mantra in many circles today—whether the church, the
classroom, the campus, or the voting booth.

Time for a Reality Check
Nancy Pearcey, bestselling and critically acclaimed author, offers
fresh tools to break free from presumed certainties and test them
against reality. In Finding Truth, she explains five
powerful principles that penetrate to the core of any
worldview—secular or religious—to uncover its deepest motivations
and weigh its claims.<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/48897/finding-truth-5-principles-for-unmasking-atheism-secularism-and-other-god-substitutes" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/49104" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$1.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://cmrc1.logoscdn.com/www.logos.com/images/products/thumb_145394.jpeg?590864980352" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt=">From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        In this honest book, pastor and author Scott Sauls exposes the
real struggles that Christian leaders and pastors regularly
face. Sauls shares his own stories and those of other leaders from
Scripture and throughout history to remind us that we are human, we
are sinners, and we need Jesus to help us thrive as people and
For Christian leaders—both inside and outside of the
church—weaknesses that are left unchecked can lead to a downfall
that is both public and painful. They w<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/145394/from-weakness-to-strength-8-vulnerabilities-that-can-bring-out-the-best-in-your-leadership" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/146210" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$22.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$1.99</div></td><tr bgcolor="#E0EEEE"><td valign="middle" colspan="2"><div><h3>Answers to Pastors' FAQs</h3></div></td></tr><tr><td class="bodyContent" valign="top" width="110"><div><img src="https://files.logoscdn.com/v1/assets/1475742/optimized" width="100" border="0" style="max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; width: 100%;" alt="Answers to Pastors&#39; FAQs" /></div></td><td class="bodyContent" valign="top"><div>
        Imagine what it would be like to have two highly respected
pastors agree to help you tackle every tough situation that you and
your church will face in the coming years. That is exactly what you
have in this one-of-a-kind resource from Dr. Warren Wiersbe and
Howard Sugden. Pulled from decades of pastoral experience, Wiersbe
and Sugden provide answers that you won't find in
seminaries—answers that both new and experienced pastors need to
know to survive and thrive in ministry.

<br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/products/20937/answers-to-pastors-faqs" style="border: 1px solid blue;">More...</a><br /><a href="https://ebooks.faithlife.com/buy/20937" style="border: 1px solid blue;">Buy...</a><br /><strong>Store Front: </strong>Faithlife eBooks<br /><strong>Regular Price: </strong>$10.99<br /><strong>Sale Price: </strong>$0.99</div></td>
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