[br.kindle] Ebooks Gratuitos - Brasil
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Sábado Dezembro 28 12:58:11 UTC 2019
* Ebooks Gratuitos (Brasil) *
Os seguintes livros ficaram gratuitos nas últimas 6 horas. A disponibilidade das ofertas grátis pode ser restrita por região e pode terminar a qualquer momento. Confirme o preço antes de comprar.
Idiomas nesta edição: Português, Inglês, Alemão, Espanhol.
=== Português ===
== Administração, Negócios e Economia ==
Lucre com aluguel sem ter imóveis. por Vinicius Becker (2019-12-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082Z7W8KN
== Fantasia ==
Banshee: A mensageira da morte por Ana Souza (2019-12-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082YV8J3L
Rágeno: Os Guerreiros da Esperança por Wagner Steinbach, Wander Steinbach (2018-11-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07KS35T5B
== Filosofia ==
6 Passos para compreender a Alegoria da Caverna de Platão Hoje por PORFIRIO AMARILLA FILHO (2019-12-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0831HZVH3
== Mente, corpo e espírito ==
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0831NVSR4
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
Eventos que Precederam ao Ministério de Jesus: Harmonia dos Evangelhos por Daniel Foster Sanders (2017-01-28)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01N4K6LHL
== Romance ==
Rendida: Segundo Livro (Envolvida 2) por Debby Scar (2018-07-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07FY57PBR
=== Inglês ===
== Autoajuda ==
How to Think Differently: 7 Easy Steps to Master Mental Models, Critical Thinking, Decision Making & Problem Solving (English Edition) por Troye Bates (2019-11-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082DLWFY5
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
Loved by the Bear - Part 1 (English Edition) por V. Vaughn (2019-02-01)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07MFFKHFH
== Infantil e Infantojuvenil ==
Annabelle & Aiden: SAPIENS: Our Human Evolution (English Edition) por J.R. Becker (2019-03-04)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07PD9NPNS
== Infantis e infanto-juvenis ==
Annabelle & Aiden: What Happens When We Die? (English Edition) por Joseph Raphael Becker (2018-06-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07F5PDT7L
Annabelle & Aiden: Worlds Within Us (English Edition) por Joseph Raphael Becker (2017-10-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB076N2CHD2
Made To Be Free (English Edition) por Emily Sansone, Don Sansone (2013-05-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00CXXW28U
== Língua, Linguística e Redação ==
Learn Spanish For Beginners: The Ultimate Spanish Language Learning Guide. Learn Spanish In A Fast And Fun Way With Lessons On The Most Common Everyday ... Sound Just Like A Local. (English Edition) por Maya Alvarez (2019-12-23)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0833B3FHD
== Literatura e Ficção ==
An Angel's Point of View (English Edition) por Mike Glenn (2013-05-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00CWR55O0
Evelyn's Daughter (English Edition) por Talissa Tillman (2017-12-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB078882Y68
Everard (Not-So-Fairy Tales) (English Edition) por Chautona Havig (2012-10-02)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB009KZMJ7I
I Am Nobody (English Edition) por Christopher Thomasson (2014-04-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00JUAAOFC
Les Miserables (English Edition) por Victor Hugo (2017-04-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB071929FH1
Patiently Charmed: Doctor Jamison and Mary's Story: Historical Medical Romance Suspense (Bareglen Creek) (English Edition) por Kate Cambridge, Hero Hearts, Bareglen Creek (2018-08-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07GYB3BGQ
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Return To Milburn, The Complete Series: 6 Book Box Set With 6 Delicious Recipes (English Edition) por Nancy McGovern (2019-12-24)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0833KP4VK
The Junkyard Kids (English Edition) por Caleb Broderick (2017-05-01)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB06Y43R256
The Wrong Side of The Law (English Edition) por Olivia RIGAL (2019-02-04)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07N1D2YLP
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
A Wake Up Call For America: America Has Lost Her Way... But There is Still Hope! (English Edition) por Ron Cantor
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01DTGIAOO
Approaching Adventure: Understanding Heaven (English Edition) por Joseph Dulmage (2013-08-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00EHZVOJU
Bible Basics - The Reason for the Hope That Is In Us! (English Edition) por Dawn Hagedorn (2017-03-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00W22T6G8
On Signs and Miracles (English Edition) por Ignatius Brianchaninov (2019-12-16)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0835Q7G7P
== Romance ==
All Night Long (Black Halo Book 1) (English Edition) por Madelynne Ellis (2019-05-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07RGM24BK
Claim My Baby (Crescent Cove Book 2) (English Edition) por Taryn Quinn (2018-02-28)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB079RFYHXW
Falling for Flynn (Hockey on Tap Book 1) (English Edition) por Kate Willoughby (2016-10-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01M0GGJBJ
Lady Airell's Choice (Ladies of Ardena Book 1) (English Edition) por Rachel Skatvold (2019-01-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07LDY8HQ4
Snowed In (A Warranted Series Novella) (English Edition) por Shannon Nemechek (2017-11-07)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB076X75Y9K
Temptation (The Hunted Series Book 1) (English Edition) por Ivy Smoak (2015-04-08)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00VVG6LMI
The Hero's Stocking Stuffer (Operation X.M.A.S. Book 2) (English Edition) por Avery Hunter (2019-12-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082GFSWNP
Tin (English Edition) por K.S. Thomas (2015-05-27)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00VMGVOKG
Two are Better Than One (Frontier Family Christmas Love Series Book 1) (English Edition) por Ada Oakley, Katie Wyatt (2019-11-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081RZ4RF5
=== Alemão ===
== Romance ==
Null & Nichtig (Band 2) (Daniel & Juliet - eine Liebesgeschichte) (German Edition) por Renee R. Picard (2013-12-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00FJ8N7FI
== Saúde, família e desenvolvimento pessoal ==
Stoffwechsel beschleunigen: Schnell abnehmen ohne zu hungern: Den Stoffwechsel anregen mit den besten Fatburnern und Strategien - Bauchfett verbrennen. (German Edition) por Michael Leidel (2019-12-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0831T4ZVZ
=== Espanhol ===
== Autoajuda ==
30 Días con Dios (Volumen 4): Lecturas diarias que te fortalecerán y te acercarán al Padre (Devocionales Cristianos) (Spanish Edition) por Andrés Reina (2019-12-27)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083751WPQ
== eBooks em espanhol ==
SUPERAR LA DEPRESIÓN: ánimo para tu corazón (Spanish Edition) por Wunibald Müller (2019-12-23)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0833BQR7Y
== Infantis e infanto-juvenis ==
Bestsellers: Infantil (Spanish Edition) por Miguel Ángel Villar Pinto (2019-12-16)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082VMB82C
El secreto de Leyre y su caballo: Cuentos para educar en valores a niños y niñas que quieren ser felices (Spanish Edition) por Alber Doncos (2019-12-24)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB08343ZGPN
== Língua, Linguística e Redação ==
El mejor amigo de Lucía en siete idiomas europeos: Comparaciones de Habilidades de Lenguaje Educativo para Niños (fiona nº 1) (Spanish Edition) por halcón negro, degos amun-ra (2019-12-23)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0833FFQ7V
== Saúde, família e desenvolvimento pessoal ==
La Dieta Completa Para El Intestino En Español/ The Complete Diet For The Intestine In Spanish (Spanish Edition) por Charlie Mason (2019-12-16)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082VFL4P2
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0833HRKVT
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