[br.kindle] Ebooks Gratuitos - Brasil
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* Ebooks Gratuitos (Brasil) *
Os seguintes livros ficaram gratuitos nas últimas 6 horas. A disponibilidade das ofertas grátis pode ser restrita por região e pode terminar a qualquer momento. Confirme o preço antes de comprar.
Idiomas nesta edição: Inglês, Italiano, Espanhol.
=== Inglês ===
== Autoajuda ==
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 2 Books in 1 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple and Self - Discipline Success: The Guide to Overcoming Depression, ... for Self Discipline (English Edition) por Michael Bearzot (2019-12-31)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083D7D7CH
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety: Master the Negative Voice in Your Head, Change Negative Thoughts, Emotions and Bad Behaviors, Reduce Stress and ... to Overcome Anxiety (English Edition) por John Rich (2019-12-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083C1MYGL
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT for Beginners - 6 Proven Steps for Retraining Your Brain To Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Anger, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Worry, & More! (English Edition) por Ramit Gupta (2020-01-02)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083G8GW7Z
== Biografias e Histórias Reais ==
Charles Manson: A Life From Beginning to End (True Crime Biographies Book 4) (English Edition) por Hourly History (2018-01-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB079GSCT6S
== eBooks em inglês ==
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques: How to Manage Anxiety and Depression Using CBT - Control Your Thinking, Emotions, and Behavior (English Edition) por Erika Robinson (2019-01-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07N5HXB76
== Educação e Referência ==
Summary and Discussions of Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio (English Edition) por The Growth Digest (2019-12-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0831RG9NX
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Life in the Dead Lane (Secret Seal Isle Mysteries Book 2) (English Edition) por Lucy Quinn (2016-09-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01IGHGBQU
== Referência ==
Pronunciation of Ancient Greek: A Case for Modern Practice (English Edition) por John Pickering (2019-11-15)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081L1MR7V
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
Bible Secrets Revealed (English Edition) por Kenneth Edward Barnes (2020-01-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083JJ2JR8
Bible Stories for Youth, New Testament, Part I: A Light to My Path (English Edition) por Richard Gilmour (2019-11-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081D7ZJ73
Bible Stories for Youth, New Testament, Part II: A Light to My Path (English Edition) por Richard Gilmour (2019-11-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081HFVMF6
The Glory of Mary Revealed in Scripture: An Apologetic Call to Communion (English Edition) por James Augustine Stothert (2019-11-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081911NV7
The Gospel Message for Young Readers: An Apologetic Call to Communion (English Edition) por Josephine Van Dyke Brownson (2019-11-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB08194BPHR
The Sacraments of the Catholic Church: An Apologetic Call to Communion (English Edition) por Pierre Pourrat (2019-11-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB08192ZQY4
== Romance ==
Almost Priest (McCullough Mountain Book 1) (English Edition) por Lydia Michaels (2015-11-06)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB017PT3GG8
Gaijin Who Knows Everything (English Edition) por M. M. Wayne (2019-07-06)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07V1CKDK6
=== Italiano ===
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
Il Libro della Calma: 100 aforismi zen per prendere la vita con calma e filosofia (Italian Edition) por AA. VV. (2019-12-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082P9592V
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