[br.kindle] Ebooks Gratuitos - Brasil
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Sábado Junho 6 12:58:07 UTC 2020
* Ebooks Gratuitos (Brasil) *
Os seguintes livros ficaram gratuitos nas últimas 6 horas. A disponibilidade das ofertas grátis pode ser restrita por região e pode terminar a qualquer momento. Confirme o preço antes de comprar.
Idiomas nesta edição: Inglês, Alemão, Italiano, Espanhol.
=== Inglês ===
== Artesanato, Casa e Estilo de Vida ==
Calm Down!: Step-by-Step to a Calm, Relaxed, and Brilliant Family Dog (Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog Book 1) (English Edition) por Courtney, Beverley (2016-03-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01CSJPF9Q
Garden Design and Landscaping - The Beginner's Guide to the Processes Involved with Successfully Landscaping a Garden (an overview) ('How to Plan a Garden' Series Book 7) (English Edition) por Mathews, Rachel (2014-02-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00IGSMYHK
== Autoajuda ==
One Minute to Zen: Go From Hot Mess to Mindful Mom in One Minute or Less (English Edition) por Katz, Ali (2018-11-06)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0794F29P6
== eBooks em inglês ==
COUGAR CRONICLES: KELLY (English Edition) por Small, Richard (2020-02-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB084NWNLPZ
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
Cephrael's Hand: A Pattern of Shadow & Light Book One (English Edition) por McPhail, Melissa (2010-09-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0046A9VLO
The Devil's Advocate (English Edition) por Haze, Michaela (2017-09-28)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB073JYHT7N
The Fate (The Children of Wisdom Book 1) (English Edition) por Erickson, Stephanie (2015-11-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB018DM5MKE
== História ==
Galileo Galilei: A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of Science (English Edition) por History, Captivating (2019-10-25)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07ZM75K4R
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary (English Edition) por James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes) (2012-05-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0082T46NS
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary Part 2: More Ghost Stories (English Edition) por James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes) (2012-05-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0082UEA9W
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Case of the: Strawberry Cream Stabbing (The Cookie Club Cozy Mystery Novels Book 1) (English Edition) por Lansberry, Jessica (2017-05-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB071VXW7XW
Paws For Murder (The Barking Mad Mysteries Book 1) (English Edition) por English, Scarlett (2020-01-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083JKWXVZ
== Romance ==
Bought and Paid For (Telltale Heart Book 1) (English Edition) por Hart, Shaw (2019-06-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07T328X69
Her Irish Boss (O'Keeley's Irish Pub Book 1) (English Edition) por Jones, Palmer (2019-09-27)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07X4Z5C5X
I Hate You: Bully Academy Dark Romance (A Bad Boy Bullied Romance Book 1) (English Edition) por Timms, Lexy (2019-09-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07WJWCHZX
Imperfect Chemistry: A Nerdy Romantic Comedy (Imperfect Series Book 1) (English Edition) por Frame, Mary (2014-04-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00JTJQRNW
Justice for Mackenzie (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 1) (English Edition) por Stoker, Susan (2015-08-04)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00X6B4WJU
The Pursued Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romance (English Edition) por Checketts, Cami (2019-10-03)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07YQ6L6X5
=== Alemão ===
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
Die dunklen Chroniken des Milton Sharp 1 - Dämonen Fantasy Sammelband 6 Romane (German Edition) por Rahn, Wolf G. (2020-06-03)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB089M6FG4V
== Gastronomia e Culinária ==
Die Wunder des Essigs für Ihre Gesundheit (German Edition) por NIGNAN, William (2020-06-02)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB089LXVVB8
Lindis kunterbunte Küche (German Edition) por Schmidt, Linda und Leila (2020-06-02)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB089NJC4DC
Wild Kochbuch: Die 150 leckersten, besten und einfachsten Wildrezepte – ein unwiderstehliches Geschmackserlebnis für echte Wildliebhaber | inkl. Einkaufsratgeber für Anfänger (German Edition) por Experts, Outdoor (2020-05-24)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0894ZMWP8
== Literatura e Ficção ==
Von Banditen ermordet (German Edition) por Beck, John F. (2020-06-03)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB089LW96TZ
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Der Honigteufel: Ein Büsum-Krimi (German Edition) por Hoffmann, Jeannette (2020-01-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB084BYTL1Y
Die Märchenerzählerin (German Edition) por Detering, Monika (2020-06-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB086B841ZM
=== Italiano ===
== Romance ==
I racconti del Giocattolaio (Italian Edition) por Roberto Brughitta (2018-04-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01N01ORZH
== Saúde, família e desenvolvimento pessoal ==
DIETA KETO: Una guida generale per i principianti (Italian Edition) por Dave, John (2020-06-01)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB089LHMS73
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