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* Ebooks Gratuitos (Brasil) *
Os seguintes livros ficaram gratuitos nas últimas 6 horas. A disponibilidade das ofertas grátis pode ser restrita por região e pode terminar a qualquer momento. Confirme o preço antes de comprar.
Idiomas nesta edição: Inglês, Alemão, Italiano, Espanhol.
=== Inglês ===
== Administração, Negócios e Economia ==
Don't Leave Money On The Table: Negotiation Strategies for Women Leaders in Male-Dominated Industries (English Edition) por Twillie, Jacqueline (2019-08-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07WN2JSSN
== Artesanato, Casa e Estilo de Vida ==
Amish Knit & Stitch Circle: Smicksburg Tales 4 (English Edition) por Vogel, Karen Anna (2014-10-06)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00O8N38MC
== Autoajuda ==
Dark NLP and How To Analyze People: Read Body Language and Influence People Like An Empath Through Dark Psychology, Manipulation and Mind Control; Counteract ... and Energy Vampires (English Edition) por Anger, Phil (2020-05-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088FYCFV2
Happiness is a choice: The most important decision in life (English Edition) por Smeulders, Wouter (2016-12-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01N0SZ18Z
Mission Happiness: A No Non-sense, No B.S. Practical Advice on What It Takes to Be Really Happy (English Edition) por Ryan, Kenny (2017-05-01)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0722P3P65
Self Hatred: The Silent Devil: Unlocking The Secret to Happiness (English Edition) por Conscious, Chaun (2019-02-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07CTH1JKF
Visualizing Success (English Edition) por S.S. Bawa (2019-12-18)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB082WGQ4PX
== Biografias e Histórias Reais ==
Scream Queen Confidential: A Memoir And Two Mysteries (Vampyres of Hollywood) (English Edition) por Barbeau, Adrienne (2017-12-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0782YYF6J
== eBooks em inglês ==
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Appendix to Volume XII: Tales, Sketches, and other Papers by Nathaniel Hawthorne with a Biographical Sketch ... of Nathaniel Hawthorne (English Edition) por Lathrop, George Parsons (2012-12-18)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00AQMMEO2
The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher Containing his Complete Masterpiece and Family Physician; his Experienced Midwife, his Book of Problems and his Remarks on Physiognomy (English Edition) por Aristotle (2012-05-17)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0084BBIYE
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
Darker Realms (Vampires, Witches, and Zombies Boxed Set) (English Edition) por Middleton, Kristen; Middleton, K.L. (2020-05-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088F5YSVB
Witch's Jewel (Kit Melbourne Book 1) (English Edition) por Cheek, Kater (2020-04-15)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB085ZWVJMH
== Gastronomia e Culinária ==
The Ultimate Greek Cookbook: 111 BEST Greek Dishes To Cook Right Now (Balkan Food Book 4) (English Edition) por Bodic, Slavka (2020-05-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088DWYQJD
== História ==
Britain's Imperial Cornerstone in China: The Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1854-1949 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia Book 36) (English Edition) por Brunero, Donna (2006-03-02)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB000OI14W6
== HQs, Mangás e Graphic Novels ==
Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2013-) Vol. 1 (English Edition) por Fisch, Sholly (2015-03-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00MV1NZH6
Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2013-) Vol. 4 (English Edition) por Fisch, Sholly (2017-12-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB077QPL2QF
Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2013-) Vol. 5 (English Edition) por Fisch, Sholly (2018-06-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07D1CX7VV
Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2013-): Doomed! (English Edition) por Fisch, Sholly (2019-08-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07VV6QVYG
Scooby-Doo Team-Up: It's Scooby Time! (Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2013-)) (English Edition) por Fisch, Sholly (2020-01-28)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB083TM1M18
Scooby-Doo's Greatest Adventures (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? (2010-)) (English Edition) por Duffy, Chris; Griep Jr., Terrance; Kupperman, Michael; Fingerman, Bob; Kress, Earl; Croker, C. Martin; Busch, Robbie; Neely, Scott; Rozum, John; Fisch, Sholly; Ball, Georgia; Kupperberg, Paul; Fridolfs, Derek; Cohen, Ivan; Malmenlid, Embla (2019-09-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07X2ZQ449
== Literatura e Ficção ==
18 Acres of England: Is America still a colony? (English Edition) por Oswald, Chris (2018-04-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07CRM5MQS
Tales and Sketches, Complete Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches (English Edition) por Whittier, John Greenleaf (2012-05-17)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00847XVZ2
The Complete Short Works (English Edition) por Ebers, Georg (2012-05-16)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00847F6KU
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Scorned: thrilling murder, mystery and suspense fiction (The DC Ruby Knight Investigations Book 2) (English Edition) por Murphy, Denver (2019-08-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07VLJ61BJ
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
A Believer's Guide to Covid-19 (English Edition) por Stone, Savannah (2020-05-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0885YZ1F9
Avalonia’s Book of Chakras: A Practical Manual for working with your Chakras using Aromatherapy, Colours, Crystals, Mantra and Meditation to work with ... Natural Energy Centres (English Edition) por Rankine, David; d’Este, Sorita (2014-09-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00NU7GPKO
Demon Magic: Dream Magic (English Edition) por Holt, Wyndham Nicodemus (2019-04-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07QH71Q1S
Patience: The Poem (English Edition) por Ebanks, Stephen (2019-08-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07GJWHGFR
The Heart-Shaped Life Daily Devotional - One Month of Devotions: Choosing a Life of Steadfast Love One Day at a Time (English Edition) por Moore, Karen (2017-04-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB06Y2PGVHS
== Romance ==
Accounting for Love: A Western Romance Novel (Long Valley Romance Book 1) (English Edition) por Wright, Erin (2018-03-04)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07B7M6B4P
Cowboys & Moonlight (Starlight Cowboys Book 4) (English Edition) por Winters, Jacqueline (2019-09-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07TRYJY1S
Once Upon a Romance (A Dream Come True Book 1) (English Edition) por Bailey, Alex (2018-11-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07JQK3WFZ
The Farmer Takes His Wife (Bitterpill, Texas 78020 series: Book 2) (English Edition) por Catlin, Barbara (2018-05-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07DD7N4XN
Upon A Midnight Dream (London Fairy Tales Book 1) (English Edition) por Van Dyken, Rachel (2014-09-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00NIDWKB8
== Saúde, família e desenvolvimento pessoal ==
Activate the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: 2 Books in 1: Vagus Nerve and The Polyvagal Theory Made Simple. Unleash your Body from Anxiety, Stress, ... and other Chronic Diseases (English Edition) por Hermann, Eric (2020-05-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088FSNF4T
=== Alemão ===
== Gastronomia e Culinária ==
Das Bento Kochbuch, 66 Schmackhafte Bento Rezepte: Simpel und clever selbst gemacht (66 Rezepte zum Verlieben 45) (German Edition) por Rockit, M. (2020-05-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088KS6F3N
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
Der grüne Bogenschütze: Kriminalroman (Edgar Wallace bei Null Papier 2) (German Edition) por Wallace, Edgar (2019-05-23)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB009R6HSQC
Krimi Paket 10 Thriller: Mord ist kein Vergnügen (German Edition) por Bekker, Alfred; West, Thomas; Balmore, Cedric; Rahn, Wolf G.; Morland, A. F.; Hackett, Pete (2020-05-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088KNJY1K
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
Der Weihnachtsgeschichten-Sammelband für Kinder (German Edition) por Hjortlund-Grøndahl, M. W. James (2017-03-09)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB06XHR7MZY
=== Italiano ===
== Romance ==
Lei... l'altra.: due anime e una vita, niente è mai come sembra. (Italian Edition) por camillo, romina (2020-02-03)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB084GZM7SP
=== Espanhol ===
== Romance ==
Cuando acabe el invierno (Spanish Edition) por Drei, Ángela (2017-04-28)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07111FCZM
El Dios De Hielo (Spanish Edition) por San Nicolas, Valentina (2015-04-05)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00VQRW6VW
ETERNO (Spanish Edition) por Neleb (2019-10-15)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07Z6HNMNQ
Maraña de secretos (Spanish Edition) por Morrigan, Victoria (2019-10-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07ZRQ9GD9
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