[br.kindle] Ebooks Gratuitos - Brasil
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Sexta Maio 29 06:58:08 UTC 2020
* Ebooks Gratuitos (Brasil) *
Os seguintes livros ficaram gratuitos nas últimas 6 horas. A disponibilidade das ofertas grátis pode ser restrita por região e pode terminar a qualquer momento. Confirme o preço antes de comprar.
Idiomas nesta edição: Português, Inglês, Alemão, Italiano, Espanhol.
=== Português ===
== Autoajuda ==
HIPNOTISMO E RELIGIÃO: A hipnose a serviço da religião por Caramaschi, Luiz; J Dias, Prof Emerson (2019-05-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07RTQL9B2
== Aventura ==
A Ilha do Tesouro por Stevenson, Robert Louis (2020-05-25)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0896XPNC4
== Romance ==
Amor à Segunda Vista (Trilogia Amor à Segunda Vista Livro 1) por NUNES, A.C.; Nunes, A.C. (2016-10-18)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01M2X3Y7E
Constelação de Gritos Mudos por Teles, Carol (2019-09-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07Y8VMJZX
Do Maine à California por Aranha, Lorene (2020-05-15)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088GG7YTC
Intenso Desejo - Livro 1: Duologia Desejos de CEO's por Attis, Kevin (2019-08-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07WGXGNXV
Noite Estrelada por Matias, Mayy (2020-05-25)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088P2ZL99
O Que Há em Mim (Flores Livro 3) por M de Lima, Thays (2020-04-17)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0878WL2QX
Resistindo ao CEO por Oliveira, G.R. (2020-05-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088H83C6G
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0763MYBP4
Sonhos em flor por Laure, Estelle (2018-01-08)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB078W91K7K
=== Inglês ===
== Autoajuda ==
The Domino Effect: How to Create Massive, Cumulative Change One Step at a Time (English Edition) por Sharpe, Rob (2020-05-23)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0893QBD6Z
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
EMP Shelter In Place: EMP Survival in a Powerless World (English Edition) por Hunt, James (2020-05-25)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0895CJBB8
King of Beasts: A Beauty and the Beast retelling (Kingdom of Fairytales Beauty and the Beast Book 1) (English Edition) por Armitage, J.A.; Kol, Scarlett (2020-05-20)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB081P8H99K
Scharlette Doesn't Matter and Goes Time Travelling (English Edition) por Bowring, Sam (2019-06-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07PMZWMWS
== Gastronomia e Culinária ==
Easy Chicago Cookbook: Authentic Chicago Recipes from the Windy City for Delicious Chicago Cooking (English Edition) por Press, BookSumo (2017-03-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB06XR95LG7
Ultimate Serbian Cookbook: TOP 111 Serbian dishes that you can cook right now (Balkan Food Book 5) (English Edition) por Bodic, Slavka (2020-05-17)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088RJH2KY
== História ==
Ireland: The Most Important People, Places, and Events That Shaped the History of Ireland (English Edition) por Knowles, Isabel (2019-07-18)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07VFW84RJ
== Infantis e infanto-juvenis ==
Galactic Six: A Superhero Story (English Edition) por Shaughnessy, Joe (2019-10-04)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07YCSBV1H
Kissing Magic (Portals to Whyland Book 2) (English Edition) por Leitao, Day (2019-02-22)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07NTNZGPM
== Literatura e Ficção ==
American Blasphemer: A Novel (English Edition) por Gillen, John Matthew (2020-05-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB087RSW7SS
Returning Amish: An anthology of Amish Romance (English Edition) por Winstone, Hannah (2020-05-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0897CRLMX
The old man and the girl (English Edition) por Martin, Gary (2017-09-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB075JJTBFM
== Policial, Suspense e Mistério ==
CONDO: A nail biting Murder Mystery - suspenseful with a terrific twist at the end (English Edition) por Costello, Kerry (2020-05-01)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB087ZLJZZ7
Cooks, Crooks and Cruises: A Humorous Cruise Ship Cozy Mystery (Cruise Ship Cozy Mysteries Book 2) (English Edition) por Winters, A.R. (2019-03-14)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07P27W9HC
Only One Will Fall: The Nick Cross Mysteries: Book One (English Edition) por Bainbridge, Ruth (2016-12-13)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB01N4DY3Q6
Payback: A Gripping Multi-national Crime Action Thriller (English Edition) por Khan, Izaz (2018-09-16)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07HF55QRY
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
Live the Third Person: The Holy Spirit - You need more - There is more (Johan Minnaar Bible Teaching Book 1) (English Edition) por Minnaar, Johan (2020-05-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088X5VRGB
Snatched Up to Heaven: Astounding testimonies of heaven and hell from the mouths of babes (English Edition) por Paul Ph D, Jemima; Paul, Arvind (2018-02-06)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB079MWM1M6
The Violent Are Taking It By Force: Aggressively Taking What Belongs to You in the Name of JESUS (English Edition) por Yeager, Michael (2017-05-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB071FNQ67Q
UNDERSTANDING DIVINE CALLING: a launch into the supernatural realm (English Edition) por Akodu, Sunday (2020-05-10)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088FFPVL6
== Romance ==
Another Shot At Love (A What's Love??? novel Book 1) (English Edition) por Roy, Niecey (2013-10-08)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00G2CNJF8
Blind Fury: A Military Romantic Suspense (Men of Steele Book 1) (English Edition) por Hernandez, Gwen (2014-02-19)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00IK491GW
Love, Chocolate, and Beer: Luke & Dani (Cactus Creek Book 1) (English Edition) por Duke, Violet (2014-01-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB00I4KRGPA
Seven Malas: A Love Story (English Edition) por Lange, John Leslie (2019-01-21)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07MZZW2XC
THE FORGOTTEN (L.A.P.D. Special Investigations Book 1) (English Edition) por STYLE, LINDA (2017-10-31)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB076HFQ8PY
The Relentless Hero (Hero in Paradise Book 2) (English Edition) por Vane, Angel (2020-05-27)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB087BQ8M66
The Spinning Wheel (A Common Elements Romance) (English Edition) por Matthews, R.C. (2019-11-11)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07Y9GBYZC
The Virgin Widow (English Edition) por Marie, JoAnna (2019-04-12)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07QLF9M87
=== Alemão ===
== Gastronomia e Culinária ==
Grillrezepte für Profis: 51 außergewöhnliche Rezepte (German Edition) por Kunzelmann, Markus (2020-05-26)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB0897RMPN1
=== Italiano ===
== Administração, Negócios e Economia ==
Azienda Automatica: La Prima Guida Che Ti Insegna Ad Automatizzare La Tua Azienda Dalla A Alla Z, Liberando Tempo Per Te Stesso e Per La Tua Famiglia (Italian Edition) por Giorgio Cecere (2020-05-29)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB088GSGNX3
=== Espanhol ===
== Autoajuda ==
El origen y el fin del hipotiroidismo (Spanish Edition) por Castillo Argotty, Jairo (2020-04-30)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB087Z4L3K5
== Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica ==
El cuarto jinete (Saga El cuarto jinete nº 1) (Spanish Edition) por Editorial, Dolmen; Blázquez, Víctor (2020-03-25)
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB086DQYZSC
== Religião e Espiritualidade ==
* https://heidoc.net/a/kbrB07CT9T38Z
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