[es.kindledeals] Ofertas de Ciberlibros - España

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Dom Jun 14 00:53:04 UTC 2020

* Ofertas de Ciberlibros (España) *

Han estado disponibles las siguientes ofertas de libros en las últimas 6 horas.
Idiomas en esta edición: Inglés, Italiano.

=== Inglés ===

== Biografías y autobiografías ==

When Breath Becomes Air (English Edition) de Kalanithi, Paul (2016-02-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0165X8WN2

== Ficción contemporánea ==

The Motion of the Body Through Space (English Edition) de Shriver, Lionel (2020-05-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB01MFI39QN
Three Hours: The Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller (English Edition) de Lupton, Rosamund (2020-01-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07ND6SCYG
When All is Said: Five toasts. Five people. One lifetime. (English Edition) de Griffin, Anne (2019-01-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07C72YBSX

== Ficción por género ==

Hit and Done: Shortlisted for Kindle Storyteller Award 2018 (The DI Stella Cole Thrillers Book 3) (English Edition) de Maslen, Andy (2018-05-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07DD19LTZ

== Rural y ciudades pequeñas ==

She Loves Me (Harmony Pointe Book 3) (English Edition) de Foster, Melissa (2020-04-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07YKVYC39

=== Italiano ===

== Acción y aventura ==

Enigma (Italian Edition) de Cussler, Clive (2020-03-03)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB085FR4HCT
Zona pericolosa: Le avventure di Jack Reacher (La Gaja scienza Vol. 563) (Italian Edition) de Child, Lee (2012-10-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB009XCD4B8

== Fantasía ==

L'amuleto di Samarcanda: Il ciclo di Bartimeus (Italian Edition) de Stroud, Jonathan (2010-12-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB00666470Q
Outlander. La straniera: Outlander #1 (Italian Edition) de Gabaldon, Diana (2010-12-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0065QG1WO

== Ficción contemporánea ==

La bussola d'oro: Queste oscure materie. 1 (Italian Edition) de Pullman, Philip (2010-12-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB006664BF2
Trainspotting - Edizione italiana (Italian Edition) de Welsh, Irvine (2010-12-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0065PXBXW

== Histórico ==

Il commissario Bordelli: Un'indagine del commissario Bordelli (Italian Edition) de Vichi, Marco (2013-03-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB00BLICKJY

== Literatura y ficción ==

E liberaci dal padre: I casi dell'ispettore Lynley (Italian Edition) de George, Elizabeth (2019-02-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07P3ZV98Y
Finalmente noi: Fallen Crest - La storia di Samantha e Mason 1 (Italian Edition) de Tijan (2017-03-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB01N6XQI0M
La rete a maglie larghe: Un caso per il commissario Van Veeteren (Italian Edition) de Nesser, Håkan (2013-10-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB00FQW8ESW

== Mujeres detectives ==

L'allieva (La Gaja scienza) (Italian Edition) de Gazzola, Alessia (2011-01-09)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0064BUWF2

== Suspense ==

Il sigillo del cielo: Le avventure di Cal Donovan (Italian Edition) de Cooper, Glenn (2019-06-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB07QS1HV5B

== Thriller y suspense ==

La città sepolta: Un'avventura della Sigma Force (Italian Edition) de Rollins, James (2010-12-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0065PRE0I

== Violento ==

Il tribunale delle anime (La Gaja scienza Vol. 1011) (Italian Edition) de Carrisi, Donato (2011-08-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/desB0064BUYZU

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