[fr.kindledeals] Offres Livres Numériques - France

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* Offres Livres Numériques (France) *

Les bonnes affaires suivantes sont devenues disponibles durant les six dernières heures. 
Langues dans cette édition: Français, Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol.

=== Français ===

== Bretagne ==

Amnésie sur Quimper: Léa Mattei, gendarme et détective - Tome 8 de Martine Le Pensec (2017-06-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07337MRFH

== Comédie / Chick-lit ==

La dent dure de Valentine Stergann (2019-04-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07QGDHQQQ

== Contemporain ==

Emmène-moi à l'océan (BO.MONDE VF) de Nelly Weaver (2019-02-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07Y8MT6T5
Un homme facile de Eleonore Marco (2019-01-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07L5Q9YN9

== Paranormal ==

Le retour de Luther (Les Vampires Scanguards t. 10) de Tina Folsom (2017-09-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB075TJ6DB4

== Roth, Philip ==

Un homme (Folio t. 4860) de Philip Roth (2011-10-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB0063281JQ

== Suspense ==

L'élément 119 de Cara Vitto (2014-06-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB00CS7O6S0

=== Anglais ===

== Criminal Law ==

Kill 'Em All: A True Story of Abuse, Revenge and the Making of a Monster (True Crime) (English Edition) de Ryan Green (2019-07-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07V1WWW7H

== Ethnic & National ==

The Broken Circle: A Memoir of Escaping Afghanistan (English Edition) de Enjeela Ahmadi-Miller (2019-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07DK7FBDS

== Small Business & Entrepreneurship ==

Live It!: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose (English Edition) de Jairek Robbins (2014-09-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB00J0H994C

== Women's Health ==

Oestrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve Women's Well-Being and Lengthen Their Lives - Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer (English Edition) de Avrum Bluming, Carol Tavris PhD (2018-09-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07D6RCC9P

=== Allemand ===

== Genre Fiction ==

Alibi Prinzessin: Was sich neckt, das will sich (Catch her 1) (German Edition) de Emma Smith (2019-03-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07Q3SXKX7

=== Italien ===

== Classics ==

La fattoria dei gelsomini (Italian Edition) de Elizabeth von Arnim (2011-03-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB0064BZUPE

=== Espagnol ===

== Ethics ==

El valor de las cosas: Quién produce y quién gana en la economía global (Spanish Edition) de Mariana Mazzucato (2019-04-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07P6ZVZ4N

== Genre Fiction ==

El Albatros y los piratas de Galguduud: La historia de una patente de corso en el s. XXI (Spanish Edition) de Federico Supervielle Bergés (2018-12-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07LG3NJMC
Maldita Sarah (Spanish Edition) de Idoia Amo, Eva M. Soler (2017-04-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB06XZW9VT3
TUS CUATRO DESEOS (Spanish Edition) de Davinia Palacios García (2018-11-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07KFHK42V

== Health, Mind & Body ==

Trastorno Obsesivo Y Pensamientos Recurrentes: Guía Para Superar Los Pensamientos Obsesivos Y Transformar Tu Vida (Spanish Edition) de Ricard Lujano Gallardo (2017-06-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07212B79J

== Horror ==

Vienen cuando hace frío (Spanish Edition) de Carlos Sisí Cavia (2017-12-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB078J3CSBX

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