[fr.kindledeals] Offres Livres Numériques - France

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Lun 30 Mar 00:51:04 UTC 2020

* Offres Livres Numériques (France) *

Les bonnes affaires suivantes sont devenues disponibles durant les six dernières heures. 
Langues dans cette édition: Anglais, Allemand, Italien.

=== Anglais ===

== Genre Fiction ==

That Secret Crush (Getting Lucky Book 3) (English Edition) de Quinn, Meghan (2020-02-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07WCP58ST
Time to Die: A gripping serial killer thriller - with a twist (Detective Jennifer Knight Crime Thriller Series Book 2) (English Edition) de Mitchell, Caroline (2015-09-24)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB014KWJDPQ

== Historical ==

Above the Bay of Angels: A Novel (English Edition) de Bowen, Rhys (2020-02-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07T6KS3QH

== Psychological ==

The Other Side Of The Wall: A Gripping Psychological Thriller (English Edition) de Mara, Andrea (2017-05-16)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB072J3DQWJ

=== Allemand ===

== Genre Fiction ==

Böses Geheimnis (Levi Kant 1) (German Edition) de Schiller, B.C. (2019-04-02)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB07J1CG9ZK

=== Italien ===

== Genre Fiction ==

Cosa rimane di noi (Il Cieco Vol. 1) (Italian Edition) de Sgarella, Manuel (2017-11-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB074KFT834
Il cammino verso casa (Italian Edition) de Hyde, Catherine Ryan (2017-07-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB06XK15R94
Perché la notte appartiene a noi (Italian Edition) de Giusti, Amabile (2018-05-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB0792VWM2J

== Historical ==

Elizabeth Street - da Scilla a New York (Italian Edition) de Fabiano, Laurie (2016-01-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dfrB0152KBXLC

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