[it.kindledeals] Offerte di Ebook - Italia

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Ven 3 Apr 2020 12:52:04 UTC

* Offerte di Ebook (Italia) *

Da 6 ore è possibile approfittare delle offerte speciali sui seguenti libri.
Lingue in questa edizione: Inglese, Francese.

=== Inglese ===

== Biografie e autobiografie ==

Alicia (English Edition) di Appleman-Jurman, Alicia (2014-11-28)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB00NHIQYKW
Perfect Sound Whatever: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER (English Edition) di Acaster, James (2019-08-22)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07P6L1ZJH

== Gialli e crimini internazionali ==

You Are Dead (Roy Grace series Book 11) (English Edition) di James, Peter (2015-05-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB00SN935ZM

== Hard-boiled ==

Robert B. Parker's Colorblind (A Jesse Stone Mystery) (English Edition) di Coleman, Reed Farrel (2019-11-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07W82BBLP

== Investigatori privati ==

No Fixed Line (A Kate Shugak Investigation Book 22) (English Edition) di Stabenow, Dana (2020-01-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07K8VTXZ4

== Narrativa contemporanea ==

Judas Unchained (Commonwealth Saga Book 2) (English Edition) di Hamilton, Peter F. (2009-08-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB003GK22PM
Night Moves (Alex Delaware series, Book 33) (Alex Delaware 33) (English Edition) di Kellerman, Jonathan (2018-02-13)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB06XRKQGW3

== Narrativa di genere ==

Lying Next to Me (English Edition) di Olsen, Gregg (2019-05-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07DTB52HJ

== Narrativa storica ==

The Clergyman's Wife: A romantic new novel to curl up with for fans of Miss Austen (English Edition) di Greeley, Molly (2020-03-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB0817G835R

== Police procedural ==

Robert B Parker's Cheap Shot (The Spenser Series 43) di Atkins, Ace (2015-03-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB00TCZQYPY

== Saghe ==

Moving On (English Edition) di Jacobs, Anna (2018-02-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB079GHV7HG

=== Francese ===

== Giardinaggio ==

Mon potager perpétuel - Cultiver des légumes vivaces : des récoltes toute l'année et sans efforts ! (Jardin (hors collection)) (French Edition) di Motte, Maryline; Motte, Roland (2019-03-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07PN58H8D

== Letteratura e narrativa ==

Le Secret (French Edition) di Lenoir, Frédéric (2001-10-10)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07L2ZKJBL

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