[it.kindledeals] Offerte di Ebook - Italia

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Ven 7 Feb 2020 06:52:03 UTC

* Offerte di Ebook (Italia) *

Da 6 ore è possibile approfittare delle offerte speciali sui seguenti libri.
Lingue in questa edizione: Italiano, Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo.

=== Italiano ===

== Narrativa storica ==

Un amore ad Auschwitz: Edek e Mala: una storia vera di Francesca Paci (2016-01-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB01AUPITLQ

=== Inglese ===

== Azione e avventura ==

The Wolf of the North: Wolf of the North Book 1 (English Edition) di Duncan M. Hamilton (2016-10-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB01MECBG64

== Classici ==

The Story of Doctor Dolittle (A Puffin Book) (English Edition) di Hugh Lofting (2018-10-04)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07CV6FWZ1

== Fantasia ==

Kingdom of Ash: INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER (Throne of Glass Book 7) (English Edition) di Sarah J. Maas (2018-10-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB079VM5L3H

== Narrativa contemporanea ==

Calling Major Tom: the laugh out loud feelgood comedy (English Edition) di David M. Barnett (2017-01-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB01CI7X072
Little Fires Everywhere: The New York Times Top Ten Bestseller (English Edition) di Celeste Ng (2017-09-12)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB01N16F5RJ

== Racconti ==

The Sword of Light: The Complete Trilogy (The Three Nations Book 1) (English Edition) di Aaron Hodges (2017-02-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB01MTG8FMS

== Spionaggio ==

Headhunters - John Milton #7 (John Milton Series) (English Edition) di Mark Dawson (2015-08-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB013T59YZ4

=== Francese ===

== Letteratura e narrativa ==

Enfant secret : Le secret de Gypsy - Le secret de Gabriella - Le secret de Louise (Hors Collection) (French Edition) di Abby Green, Sandra Marton, Penny Jordan (2019-03-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07MFZF623

=== Spagnolo ===

== Humor ==

La teoría del absurdo (Spanish Edition) di Idoia Amo, Eva M. Soler (2018-08-13)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB07GFHY745

== Narrativa storica ==

La pirámide inmortal: El secreto egipcio de Napoleón (Spanish Edition) di Javier Sierra (2014-08-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/ditB00LQCVDKM

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