[uk.kindledeals] E-Book Deals - UK

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Fri Jan 3 00:49:04 UTC 2020

* E-Book Deals (UK) *

The following deals have become available in the past 6 hours.
Languages in this issue: English, Spanish, Italian, German.

=== English ===

== Historical ==

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (2009-09-18)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB003GK228O

=== Spanish ===

== Contemporary Fiction ==

Cuentos completos (Spanish Edition) by Mario Benedetti (2012-02-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB007FSXHRI

== Fitness & Exercise ==

El cuerpo tiene sus razones: Autocura y antigimnasia (Spanish Edition) by Thérèse Bertherat, Carol Bernstein (2018-05-08)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07BPBD2B4

== Product Management ==

Curso de LinkedIn: 10 días para tener un perfil con huella (Spanish Edition) by David Díaz  Robisco (2018-06-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07D5Z52KP

== Time ==

¿Y si el tiempo no existiera? (Spanish Edition) by Carlo Rovelli (2019-02-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07NHRR2NS

=== Italian ===

== Fiction ==

I pesci non chiudono gli occhi (Italian Edition) by Erri De Luca (2019-07-30)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07VYB73NH
Le persone sensibili sanno dire no: Affrontare le esigenze degli altri senza dimenticare se stessi (Italian Edition) by Rolf Sellin (2015-08-27)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB015A7R2GC

== Literature & Fiction ==

L'anno degli eroi (Italian Edition) by Flavio Gandini (2019-10-18)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07Z9WF6YZ

=== German ===

== Animals ==

Animox. Die Stadt der Haie (German Edition) by Aimee Carter (2017-10-23)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB0727RTBTM

== Biographical Fiction ==

Wann wird es endlich wieder so, wie es nie war: Roman. Alle Toten fliegen hoch, Teil 2 (German Edition) by Joachim Meyerhoff (2013-02-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB00AJCIKJC

== Contemporary ==

Cottage mit Meerblick: Roman (German Edition) by Caroline Roberts (2018-08-01)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB0767H7BDH

== Contemporary Fiction ==

Wie heiß ist das denn?: (K)ein Liebes-Roman (German Edition) by Ellen Berg (2018-06-15)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB077BQ5XXJ

== Epic ==

Zwillingsblut - Die Magie der Elben: Roman (German Edition) by Hendrik Lambertus (2019-01-31)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07D194X46

== Fiction ==

Grenzgänger: Roman. Die Geschichte einer verlorenen deutschen Kindheit (German Edition) by Mechtild Borrmann (2018-09-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07BW7SLYC
Wolkenflüstern: Verflixt, warum ausgerechnet Du? (German Edition) by Lucia Vaughan (2019-03-17)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07PQ6PGH4

== Health Issues ==

Haut nah: Alles über unser größtes Organ. Neu mit Praxisteil (Erweiterte Ausgabe 2018) (German Edition) by Dr. med. Yael Adler (2016-08-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB01DWEBZUO

== Historical ==

Die Salbenmacherin: Historischer Roman (German Edition) by Silvia Stolzenburg (2015-08-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB00XPFUS6I
Die Sonnenschwestern: Roman (German Edition) by Tracy Rees (2018-09-07)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07CVK8KFP
Die Wanderhure und die Nonne: Roman (Die Wanderhuren-Reihe 7) (German Edition) by Iny Lorentz (2018-09-26)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07BW9MY1J

== Historical Romance ==

Ein ungezähmtes Mädchen (German Edition) by Simona Ahrnstedt (2012-07-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB008FHSS4U

== Literature & Fiction ==

13 - Das dritte Buch der Zeit (Die Bücher der Zeit 3) (German Edition) by Rose Snow (2018-07-11)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07FK3D715
13 - Das zweite Buch der Zeit (Die Bücher der Zeit 2) (German Edition) by Rose Snow (2018-06-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07F5CPSZJ

== Mind, Body & Spirit ==

Wut ist ein Geschenk: Das Vermächtnis meines Großvaters Mahatma Gandhi (Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Arun Gandhi (2017-06-19)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB06XGSTBD3

== Mystery ==

Blinde Krähen: Thriller (German Edition) by Elias Haller (2017-03-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB06XNW42CX
Breaking News (German Edition) by Frank Schätzing (2014-03-06)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB00GT9333C
Friesenjagd: Ostfriesen-Krimi (Diederike Dirks ermittelt 6) (German Edition) by Stefan Wollschläger (2019-03-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07NM8RP5H

== Romantic Comedy ==

Pygmalion - perfekt unverliebt (German Edition) by Clannon Miller (2015-07-20)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB0128RVYO8

== Self-Help & Psychology ==

Der Maik-Tylor verträgt kein Bio: Neues aus dem Alltag einer Familienpsychologin (German Edition) by Sophie Seeberg (2017-01-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB01DWEBXOW

== Subjects ==

Der Ernährungskompass: Das Fazit aller wissenschaftlichen Studien zum Thema Ernährung (German Edition) by Bas Kast (2018-03-05)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB077C2YK9T

== Theatre & Performance Art ==

So schön wie hier kanns im Himmel gar nicht sein!: Tagebuch einer Krebserkrankung (German Edition) by Christoph Schlingensief (2009-09-21)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB004WNZ1CS

== Thrillers ==

Narbenschwester: Sylt-Thriller (German Edition) by Daniela Arnold (2019-01-29)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07N8HL5SC
Schlafe für immer: Thriller (Laurie-Moran-Serie 4) (German Edition) by Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair Burke (2018-05-14)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB077C436ZP

== Young Adult ==

Everlasting Love - Gefährliches Schicksal (German Edition) by Lauren Palphreyman (2019-09-25)
 * https://heidoc.net/a/dukB07R3HZ7GJ

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