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Unofficial Vyrso Freebies Mailing List

Faithlife eBooks (formerly Vyrso – I just can't be bothered to change the mailing lists's title) is an ebook reader for Christian books, for which there are many free resources available, including several Bible versions, ancient works (the entire Perseus collection), some Christian (and secular) classics, the Lexham Bible, and regular free books from the Vyrso online store (novels, Christian living, theology etc.)

Faithlife eBooks shares resources with Logos, an advanced Bible study suite. Vyrso is available for Android and iPhone/iPad. Logos is also available for these mobile systems, as well as for Windows PCs, Windows Mobile Apple Mac, and as a web application.

Current freebies can be found on these websites:

Our mailing lists scrapes the above catalogues for Faithlife eBooks, Logos and Noet resources. Many free books are only available within a 24 hour time frame, sometimes even shorter. The list automatically checks for, and announces new freebies every hour.

Members may also share coupon codes or other promotions of free stuff on the list.

Click here to subscribe to the freebies mailing list.

Unofficial Vyrso Deals Mailing List

Our second mailing list complements the above list by sending out notifications when any resources are discovered that have a disount of minimum 90% (excluding freebies, which are posted on the first list).

Current deals can be found on these websites:

We scrape these pages every hour as well, and distribute any new findings to the Faithlife deals mailing list. Any deals that can't be found in the catalogues (coupons etc.) may be shared on the list by any member as well.

Click here to subscribe to the deals mailing list.