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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Bible Apps
- Hits: 71689
Faithlife/Logos offers free resources for their Bible Study Software and mobile apps on a regular basis. These unofficial mailing lists help you to keep up to date about any freebies that become available, as well as the best deals and discounts. Never miss any free resources again!
Read more: Unofficial Logos/Faithlife Freebies and Deals Mailing Lists
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Bible Apps
- Hits: 41164
Thomas Nelson used to offer a free bundle with several resources for Logos Bible Software. They have now removed that offer, however, it's still possible to claim all those freebies. This involves installing an old Logos 3 version, and retrieving the bundle from the Internet Wayback Machine.
Read more: Free Thomas Nelson Bundle for Logos Bible Study Software
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Bible Apps
- Hits: 131942
There is an ever growing number of Bible apps for the Kindle Fire, and it's not easy keeping the overview, especially choosing a suitable app for your Bible reading. Some contain a lot of advertising, others require a permanent internet connection, or similar restrictions. Others focus on a certain denomination, or provide additional features. We've picked the best Bible apps for you, and compare features, languages, available translations etc.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Bible Apps
- Hits: 53316
Logos is one of the most advanced digital Bible study suites available, offers loads of free and paid content, and is available for PC, Mac, Android and iOS. The missing option to read Logos resources on an e-ink device has been a big gap. This article explains how to get Logos working on the Tolino Shine, an Android powered back-light e-ink reader.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Bible Apps
- Hits: 132376
"Gott liebte die Menschen ohne Ende, dass er sogar bereit war, seinen einzigen Sohn für sie wegzugeben, damit sie nicht vor die Hunde gehen. Jeder, der ihm vertraut, hat es geschafft: er bekommt ein neues Leben bei meinem Papa, das er nie wieder abgeben muss." (Jesus Christus)
So steht es in der Volxbibel, der modernen Bibelübersetzung, die von Jugendlichen verstanden werden soll. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Handy-Bibeln, die es im Netz als Downloads gibt, hat die Volxbibel zwei Vorteile...