- Details
- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Technology & Science
- Hits: 96717
PayPal does not always provide the location of your customers, which is especially annoying as it can have implications on your tax declaration. The Payment-Origin-Country app solves this problem once and for all.
In this category, Jan shares some of his knowledge he's grown over the years as an SAP consultant, starting from the basic training with Mini SAP to the complex integration of ABAP and XSLT.
PHP and Web Design
You'll find some PHP scripts here used for the development of the websites vic-fontaine.com and heidoc.net, including a counter, a banner plug, and a geotargeting script. All tools introduced here are free for personal use. In most cases, no PHP knowledge is required for implementation, but of course you'll need some webspace that runs PHP.
Maths and Statistics
Jan graduated in Mathematics at Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), and also spent an exchange year at the University of York. This category contains all theses and papers from his student time. There's an emphasis on applied probability theory, and information theory in these papers, involving many simulation examples.
Digital River is Microsoft's online partner for e-commerce. They host many download products for Microsoft, such as Windows and Office. These downloads are also publicly accessible without purchase. In this category, you'll find mainly these direct links for all available products, and also some other useful deals and offers.
This category features some Android relates articles which don't fit into any other categories. We're starting off with some root instructions for the Tolino ebook reader, with articles in other areas possibly following in the future.