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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: PHP and Web Design
- Hits: 26667
As Amazon Associates, we're allowed to place their Special Links onto sites of our own registered domains only. Once we want to recommend a product through a blog comment, through a forum posting, by e-mail, or by any offline publication, we're not allowed to use Special Links any longer. Any Amazon marketing activity outside our own sites is strictly forbidden, and can lead to termination of the associate agreement. We can, however, link to our own site, and point our customers to Amazon from there.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: PHP and Web Design
- Hits: 36405
The IP address reveals a website's visitor's location, but it requires a bit of programming work to find out which country they're from. Once you know the visitor's country, you can also deliver some country specific content such as banners ads. This article will help you to implement this procedure. To follow the tutorial, you'll need some basic understanding of PHP and SQL.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: PHP and Web Design
- Hits: 53523
So called banner plug boards or banner rotations have been around for a while now for successful website promotion. Here you'll find a free script you can put on your own website to run your own plug board. All you need is some webspace that supports PHP, the possibility to make text files on the webspace writable, and of course some basic HTML knowledge to integrate the plug board properly into your own website.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: PHP and Web Design
- Hits: 26380
So genannte Banner-Rotationen gibt es im Internet schon eine Weile, und werden erfolgreich zur Webseiten-Promotion eingesetzt. Hier findest Du ein kostenloses Skript, das Du auf Deiner eigenen Seite einsetzen kannst, um eine Bannerrotation zu betreiben. Alles, was Du brauchst, ist eigener PHP-fähiger Webspace, die Möglichkeit, Textdateien mit Schreibrechten zu versehen, und ein paar grundlegende HTML-Kenntnisse, um die Bannerrotation in Deine Seite einzubauen.
- Details
- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: PHP and Web Design
- Hits: 42342
The PHP counter script introduced here doesn't need any database, but depends simply on a single text file in which all relevant information is stored. All you need is some webspace with PHP support, the possibility to make the text files on the webspace writable, and of course some basic HTML knowledge to integrate the counter properly into your own website.
The counter can be used free of charge on personal websites.