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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Amazon Global
- Hits: 37063
Whereas it seems that the European Amazon branches fulfil the GDPR requirements (at least the privacy policy looks compliant, and the option to submit GDPR data subject requests is present), there are a lot of questions concerning Amazon.com, and my efforts to get hold of my user data, which I'm entitled to under GDPR, have been completely fruitless. If you're a EU resident, and have a user account with Amazon.com (e.g. for Kindle), then read on. This concerns you and your privacy.
Read more: HeiDoc.net vs. Amazon.com Part 10: Amazon's GDPR Fail
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Amazon Global
- Hits: 28110
On the internet, countless examples can be found of Amazon sellers, affiliates, authors, customers, delivery drivers, and all kinds of Amazon contractors who have not received their due payment from Amazon, and/or had their contracts cancelled without reason, up to the point that Amazon.com destroys their businesses. The question that always comes up is the following one: how to sue Amazon.com. I've been there, done that, here are my thoughts about it.
Read more: HeiDoc.net vs. Amazon.com Part 9: How to sue Amazon.com
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Amazon Global
- Hits: 25225
In this part, we're examining the Kindle ecosystem, and show you some options how you can move away from Kindle to alternative eBook vendors without losing your Kindle library. Moving away from Kindle can save you real money too. We did some spot checking and comparing of prices of some randomly selected books to prove this point.
Read more: HeiDoc.net vs. Amazon.com Part 7: Breaking the Kindle Monopoly
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Amazon Global
- Hits: 37414
In an arbitration trial, the verdict is called an "award" (no matter whether the claimant or the respondent wins). The award in our case against Amazon.com was announced on 23 May 2018. So did we win? Since the goal was to be reinstated into the affiliate program, that's a clear no. However, we didn't lose any money, and for Amazon.com, this issue was an expensive one.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: Amazon Global
- Hits: 30363
In the last article we examined the major reason for our Amazon account closures, and now we'll look at the details of a number of other reasons they gave. Both the details as well as the timing of these allegations show how desperate they were to find just anything against me, so that they would not have to pay their outstanding debts to me. We'll uncover the lies of Amazon.com here, one by one, to expose their unethical behavior.
Read more: HeiDoc.net vs. Amazon.com Part 6: More Allegations against us
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