HeiDoc.net: The Technology Treasure Chest

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The HeiDoc.net eBook Downloader connects to the Kindle Cloud Reader and can convert most of your Kindle books into an HTML document. You can also copy text and images from your Kindle books directly from the download tool in order to paste them into your own documents. The download tool does not tamper with Kindle's DRM.

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Amazon released the first Kindle ebook reader in 2007, which has been a huge success ever since. The Kindle owes much of its popularity due to the fact that there are thousands of free books available. Amazon also regularly gives away free apps, MP3 music, videos and audio books for their Android based Kindle Fire tablet, Fire Phone and Fire TV.

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Who doesn't know Amazon? The biggest online reseller serves more than 50% of the world's population in their own contry. However, the 15 local Amazon stores are open to almost everyone else as well, giving the world easy access to a huge product range. In this article we share some tips and tricks how to make use of such gigantic selection, and the best ways to save some money.