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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: SAP and XSLT
- Hits: 32174
SAPconnect is the interface that connecs NetWeaver to external communication servers such as SMTP (e-mail) and fax, and is also part of the NetWeaver Trial installation. Setting the interface up is quite simple. Once done, you'll be able to send e-mails from your Mini SAP.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: SAP and XSLT
- Hits: 39623
The SAP Netweaver Trial Version, also known as Mini SAP, only has one single
development user BCUSER
after initial installation. Although you can create
new users and even equip them with development authorisations, every attempt
to perform actual development tasks with them will fail because they lack a
valid developer key. This article will show you how to disable this check
routine for developer keys, so that any user with all necessary
authorisations can also create and edit objects in the customer namespaces.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: SAP and XSLT
- Hits: 126103
Some time ago, I was looking for some demonstration how to get data from SAP into an XML file and vice versa, but found nothing satisfactory on the web. So I had to start developing the "try and error" method. By now, I believe, I've gathered enough knowledge to write that tutorial myself. Well, here it comes, and with it the complete ABAP and XSLT source code, and hopefully enough explanation that you'll be able to develop an understanding what is happening, and to use it for your own projects.
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: SAP and XSLT
- Hits: 149437
SAP has been offering a trial system called Mini SAP for many years. It's a powerful application to run on your home computer, for training purposes, to try out new things, or to create custommer demonstrations. This article will show you how to get the most out of it. This tutorial is written both for absolute ABAP and SAP beginners who want to get into SAP development quickly, as well as experienced SAP users who don't know how to set up and work with the trial system.
Read more: Tutorial: How to install and use the Mini SAP system (updated 2019)
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- Written by Jan Krohn
- Category: SAP and XSLT
- Hits: 30729
Toolbox is one of the main software packages used by SIL staff. The software provided here supports converting those Toolbox files to Microsoft Word XML file format.