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Microsoft Expression is Microsoft's product line for web design and web development. It first started as part of Office 2007, and was later distributed as a separate product line. Expression Studio 4 is the latest and final release. The installation files were available from Digital River, however, the downloads have been removed by now.

Important Note February 2015

Microsoft has taken down all previous and current download servers (,, and! At this point it is unlikely that the downloads will ever come back.

If you need installation media for and old Expression Studio edition, and have proof of purchase, you can try to order a replacement disk for a small processing fee.

Expression Web 4 is Freeware

Microsoft no longer distributes Expression Studio as a product line. Any future versions will be integrated into Visual Studio. They have, however, released a couple of components as freeware. In the Microsoft Download centre you'll find free versions of Expression Web, Expression Web Super Preview, Expression Encoder and Expression Design.

Free Upgrade from Expression 3 to Expression 4

Expression Studio 4 can be installed on top of Expression Studio 3 without needing to provide a new activation key. This upgrade works from Expression Studio 3 to Expression Studio 4 Ultimate, as well as from Expression Web 3 to Expression Studio 4 Web Professional.

Purchase an Expression Studio Activation Key

Expression Studio 4

Although Microsoft no longer officially offers Expression Studio for purchase, many packages are still available through Amazon or eBay. The following links point to some products I was still able to make out on Amazon for each edition. Pricing is not always logical, and newer or better edition might indeed be cheaper:

Purchase Expression Studio 1

Purchase Expression Studio 2

Purchase Expression Studio 3

Purchase Expression Studio 4

Former direct download links, only for reference

The following table is provided for reference only, so that you know which file name is which Expression version, in case you find some of the files from an alternative download source. The downloads in this table are no longer working.

Expression Studio 1

Language Expression Studio 1 Expression Web 1 Expression Blend 1 Expression Media 1
Chinese, traditional (Taiwan) X13-83794.exe X13-09220.exe X13-83601.exe X13-83737.exe
English (USA) X13-80453.exe X13-09221.exe X13-74270.exe X13-80454.exe
French (France) X13-83785.exe X13-09222.exe X13-83594.exe X13-83730.exe
German (Germany) X13-83790.exe X13-09223.exe X13-83597.exe X13-83733.exe
Italian (Italy) X13-83789.exe X13-09224.exe X13-83596.exe X13-83732.exe
Korean (Republic of Korea) X13-83792.exe X13-09226.exe X13-83599.exe X13-83735.exe
Spanish (Spain) X13-83786.exe X13-09227.exe X13-83595.exe X13-83731.exe

Expression Studio 1 Tutorials (English only)

Product Link
Total Training Expression Web 1 X13-72004.exe (old)
X13-82416.exe (new)
Total Training Expression Blend 1 X13-73715.exe (old)
X13-84372.exe (new)
Total Training Expression Media 1 X13-74272.exe (old)
X13-84327.exe (new)
Total Training Expression Design 1 X13-81759.exe

Expression Studio 2

Language Expression Studio 2 Expression Web 2 Expression Blend 2 Expression Encoder 2 Expression Media 2
Chinese, traditional (Taiwan) X14-89890.exe X14-89926.exe X14-89910.exe X14-89918.exe X14-89895.exe
English (USA) X14-89884.exe X14-89927.exe X14-89911.exe X14-89919.exe X14-89896.exe
French (France) X14-89885.exe X14-89928.exe X14-89912.exe X14-89920.exe X14-89897.exe
German (Germany) X14-89886.exe X14-89929.exe X14-89913.exe X14-89921.exe X14-89898.exe
Italian (Italy) X14-89887.exe X14-89930.exe X14-89914.exe X14-89922.exe X14-89899.exe
Korean (Republic of Korea) X14-89889.exe X14-89931.exe X14-89915.exe X14-89923.exe X14-89900.exe
Spanish (Spain) X14-89888.exe X14-89932.exe X14-89916.exe X14-89924.exe X14-91003.exe

Expression Studio 3

Language Expression Web 3 Expression Studio 3
English (USA) X15-66092.exe X15-66091.exe
French (France) X15-67872.exe X15-67876.exe
German (Germany) X15-67874.exe X15-67878.exe
Korean (Republic of Korea) X15-67885.exe X15-67881.exe

Expression Studio 4

Language Expression Studio 4 Web Professional Expression Studio 4 Ultimate Expression Encoder 4
English (USA) X16-88712.exe X16-88716.exe X16-88717.exe
French (France) X16-93414.exe X16-93402.exe X16-93408.exe
German (Germany) X16-93412.exe X16-93418.exe X16-93406.exe
Italian (Italy) X16-93416.exe X16-93404.exe X16-93410.exe
Japanese (Japan) X16-93411.exe X16-93417.exe X16-93405.exe
Korean (Republic of Korea) X16-93413.exe X16-93419.exe X16-93407.exe
Spanish (Spain) X16-93415.exe X16-93403.exe X16-93409.exe

Microsoft Expression for Mac

Language Expression Media 1 Expression Media 2
English (USA) X13-74322.dmg X14-89903.dmg
French (France) X13-83739.dmg X15-01126.dmg
German (Germany) X13-83742.dmg X15-01132.dmg
Italian (Italy) X13-83741.dmg X15-01127.dmg
Spanish (Spain) X13-83740.dmg X15-01133.dmg